fuck don knotts, kolchak died!

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Night Stalker Laid to Rest: Darren Mcgavin Dies at age 83

While Darren McGavin is probably best recognized by mainstream moviegoers for his role as the father of a boy yearning for the gift of a BB gun in the 1983 comedy A Christmas Story, horror fans know him as Carl Kolchak, the irascible reporter who was forever stumbling upon supernatural cases in the 1974-75 TV series, The Night Stalker.

McGavin died of natural causes at a Los Angeles-area hospital at 7:10 a.m. Saturday with his family at his side, said his son Bogart McGavin.

Incidentally, he also starred alongside Don Knotts, who died Friday night, in the 1976 family comedy, No Deposit, No Return.

RockMyMonkey said:
I could never get into Night Stalker. I try it every once in awhile when they do a marathon, but it just never clicks with me.

I remember watching it whe I was a kid. It seemed anachronisitic even at the time, but I enjoyed it - I catch a couple whenever they do a marathon. Some cheesy stuff, at times, but the characters were really good, in a hokey TV sort of way.