Fuck "dreaming Neon black" and "The Politics of Ecstasy"!

DNB would be my favorite.....it has more appeal to me than POE (course poe still rocks my ass off)

only iced earth albums i really dug were the self titled and night of the stormrider...that 3rd one was ok....
Originally posted by Dragonlord
i was listening to dead heart again the other day and then dreaming neon black.man,dead heart is CRAP compared to other nevermore stuff.it's ten levels below,how the FUCK did they lose their way so much?for me,they went from making art to making straight metal.they are making great metal,but they used to do great art,and you just cant compare...listen to anything off poe,im or dnb and then anything off dh.anyway i hope enemies of reality is a really dark and complex album that will scare away all the iced earth loving newbies who became fans of the band because of dh.to hell with dead heart

...And we have a winner! Dragonlord my man, you have seen the light. Welcome to "The Guild of POE".

i don't think dead heart is too much different from the others.

Wether or not someone likes POE or DH more, that is a totally uninformed statement. Dead Heart is absolutely nothing like anything never has released previously. If you can't hear the difference, or even FEEL the difference, then you obviously have a diseased hamster lodged somewhere in your ear canal.

I like Iced Earth alot, but mid-era nevermore SLAYS anything IE have ever released... the sad thing is, Iced Earth have released better albums than Dead Heart.

Neverboys, you're LOST.
Originally posted by Trapped
[intellectual trapped]

uvaldo, what reasons do you give for your seemingly primitive statement "Fuck POE and DNB"? Musically Politics of Ecstasy is far superior to dead heart in a dead world, for instance, take the complexity of the "I have never seen god" section of "Seven Tongues of God", an almost Meshuggah-esque technical groove, and then place it up against the simple nu-metal-esque introduction riff of Narcosynthesis, or the simple chordal progression of Beleive in Nothing. Van williams in particular seems much more comfortable in the complex surrounds, especially when it comes to cymbal work, compare his ride work of say, 42147, where instead of keeping the beat, he taps out a different rhythm that wavers between on and offbeat hits, and then have a listen to anything from Dead Heart, and you will see that he sounds very "Held Back", if not squashed a little. The only section that i can recall using this idea is the song Dead Heart, but because of the rediculous production, the booming guitars swallow the cymbalwork a fair bit in the heavy sections.

As for Dreaming Neon Black, while not as technical rhythmically as Politics, it draws from the same "Complicated Groove" principle, in particular that of Poison God Machine. You would be hard pressed to find anything anywhere near as innovative as the groove riff from Poison God somewhere on Dead Heart. Something else that nevermore have expanded upon with Dreaming Neon Black is the "Dark" quality to the music, the melancholic, almost gothic feel to many if not all the tracks. The clean guitar is creepy and unnerving, and the spanish solo in Deconstruction is quite a new idea for Nevermore. You may have noticed the somewhat "Happy" feel to alot of Dead Heart's clean guitar passages, partly due to the production, the lack of sonic texturing that nevermore have been known for, and the fact that the band seem to have gone for an almost "Powermetal" style of playing this time around.

The main thing that i miss when it comes to Dead Heart, is the riffs. There is nothing that comes close to the opening riff of 42147, the monster that is The Learning, or the cool groove of The Death of Passion. You will notice that alot of Dead Heart is actually simple chord progressions, and while this approach may appeal to a wider audience through easy accessiblity stylistacally, the initial interest wavers through lack of attention-grabbing, and lack of depth musically, and ultimately comes across on a "One Hit Wonder" basis. A couple of good ideas, but nothing that makes the album nor the songs stand on their own.

Now, while musically Dead Heart is a little lacklustre, i would like to mention the lyrics as a point of interest, as always, Warrel Dane is the lyrical genious, and i tip my hat to what he has done with the somewhat limiting music lyrically, and vocally. Also, while the production is so squashed and boosted to the point of almost humour, the vocals are quite well recorded, and it would be interesting to see the guitar tone of Politics, with the Vocal mastering of Dead Heart.

While personally you have your opinions, and i have mine, there should be no logical explanation as to why you should think Dead Heart is superior to Politics. If there is anything you would like to ask about my response, feel free... again, i am not attacking you, i would just like you to back your statement up somewhat, as opposed to a randomly generated statement, that seems somehwhat intended to provoke.

On another topic, I beleive that Enemies of Reality will be much more interesting musically than Dead Heart, but i beleive that it will also suffer the restraints of a similar production. Complicated music needs room to breathe, and room for dynamics, and this kind of compressed-to-buggery production simply doesn't allow for that musical aesthetic.

[/intellectual trapped]

Well, let me start by saying that I am aware of how primitive my initial statement sounds--it's an intentional exaggeration. Now, as to why I prefer DHIADW to DNB or POE, it seems to me that it's actually for the same reasons that you even like it at all (the lyrics and the vocals), only they affect me much more deeply. The guitar work on Dreaming Neon Black and The Politics Of Ecstasy is better, I agree with that. I also agree with most everything you said with regard to the musical aspects of those two albums. But I find the lyrics and delivery in songs like "We Disintegrate", "Evolution 169", "The Heart Collector", etc. to be very moving. The first time I listened to "Evolution 169" I cried--it's a very well written, profound, and well delivered song. My heart stopped and still stops when the chorus hits: "..and one by one we crawl/and two by two/into the mouth of madness/we seek the perfect view/we reach another turn/ and fall out of time/in organized choas/evolution 169..." That's absolutely beautiful, and I can really identify with it. "We Disintegrate" takes me somewhere else everytime I hear it--it's my all-time favorite song. For me, listening to that song is like a transcendental experience. I don't even want to get into all the reasons I like it--it would take too long and you probably wouldn't understand. Hell, I'm not even sure I fully understand.
I know it's in my head almost everday, though. The same holds true for all the other songs on the CD. It'd take forever for me to get into why I like them, and I just woke up with the intention of simply checking my e-mail and going back to bed, only to find that someone wanted to get it on and so now I'm forced to sit here wr... Oops. Sorry about that. haha Anyway, as a songwriter and aspiring vocalist, Warrel Dane has been one of my biggest influences, and this album was my first from Nevemore. That's another reason why I prefer it over all the others. It has a special place in my heart. So, yeah, to sum it up, it's mainly because of the lyrics and the vocals and all the subconscious and conscious ways they affect me. Sorry if this response doesn't suffice for the reply you gave me, but like I said, I have prior engagements I intend on keeping... :) Thanks for the great reply. I really love reading intelligent and heartfelt comments regarding music. *salutes with devil's horns* Good day, metal brother.
dude, dont call dnb or poe crap. the next person that tries calling it crap im going to kidnap them and watch them the this sacrement solo. if they fail, then their post on this thread fails. dont dog the 2 unless u plan on playing it yourself!
as for unvaldo, you're a civilied human sir. glad u understand that people dont like the F dnb and poe hahahaha.
im a big fan of nevermore, and i accept anything theyve put out. remember that the sound nevermore has is unique, yet changes with every albumn (cept in memory & s/t) hahaha both still rule. anyways, do the same. u can have favorites, but nothing nevermore does is really that simplistic. lets hear the drumwork on sound of silence? hahaha
I really like DHIADW, but when I listen to DNB, the raw power and emotions of the subject matter just boil over for me.

As for PoE - masterpiece!! My favorite is still DNB, but PoE rules.
Originally posted by dimensionidol
to you!

horrorshow is a ridicolous album!


Agreed! Horror Show was a day late and a dollar short.

Wasn't all of that material covered by the Misfits, however poorly, on "Famous Monsters?" I expected much more from IE, but Nevermore slays them in every facet, IMHO.

IE is way overrated.
Soooooo....one(severly outnumbered)guy claims that DNB and PoE and shit and everyone else claims that DHIADW is shit...I know that Dead Heart does lack the things which make the other 2 albums incredible,but I don't think that ANY music Nevermore does is shit.They're Nevermore,it's just not possible.