fuck i hate christmas


Feb 4, 2002
fuck! Christmas fuckin sucks.......good puddin' and ham though.......
It sucked for me this year. Had a big scare coz we thought my Grandpa was dead and we had to call an ambulance and take him off to the hospital, then we found out he has Lukemia. A Merry Christmas indeed.
Originally posted by The Trooper
It sucked for me this year. Had a big scare coz we thought my Grandpa was dead and we had to call an ambulance and take him off to the hospital, then we found out he has Lukemia. A Merry Christmas indeed.

Yes, that would make for a fairly sucky Christmas indeed. Hope everything works out the best it can, Trent.
Thanks :) He is back to his old self today which is good. He can't be treated for the Lukemia because he is too old so we have to let it take its course, so we're not telling him that he has it. We'd rather him spend his last months happily.
hi troops

yeah that would probably be a nice way to go. Remember if you need to chat we are all here for you! :)
Sorry to hear that Trent. How old is he? I take it he's a bit past it mentally now, if you're not telling him. It's best that way, if you can get away with it.
He's very old, 95. But up until last year he was better than most people over 80. He's been excellent for his age until recently.