Fuck Life
Yoy know I made a decision in my life that most of my friends are3 fucking cunt faggots. My ke and I saved our friend yRIC AND From a colassal ass beating from this mammoth man who got out ofg shis car an dwas going to tear shit ip valhalla style, untul he seen our mammoth presence vouching for this cunt of a friend of ours. The night ened at some pool hall fogaath place in which I did not wnat to be. We quickly skidaddly and got ousrselves some animal number \5 burgers at In-N-POUt, talked about our di[pshity friends somem more and journeryed home unde rthe moon to our desolte lifes that are filled with sorrow. FUkc this world! I feel like making like Owen Wilson and kissing this world Goodbye!
Yoy know I made a decision in my life that most of my friends are3 fucking cunt faggots. My ke and I saved our friend yRIC AND From a colassal ass beating from this mammoth man who got out ofg shis car an dwas going to tear shit ip valhalla style, untul he seen our mammoth presence vouching for this cunt of a friend of ours. The night ened at some pool hall fogaath place in which I did not wnat to be. We quickly skidaddly and got ousrselves some animal number \5 burgers at In-N-POUt, talked about our di[pshity friends somem more and journeryed home unde rthe moon to our desolte lifes that are filled with sorrow. FUkc this world! I feel like making like Owen Wilson and kissing this world Goodbye!