Fuck me sideays... I got poison ivy

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New Metal Member
May 28, 2008
I've had it for about 2 days now on my left and right arm. Apparently when I was weedeating I hit an ivy plant and it got on my arms. The ivy starts where my t-shirt sleeve ended and stops where my gloves started.

I've tried every home remedy you can do, lava sopa, dishwashing liquid, clorox, rubbing alcohol, calomine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, and baking soda.

The calomine and hydro do nothing. I think the best results has came from clorox and alcohol. So if anyone ever gets ivy I would recommend that.
I've had it for about 2 days now on my left and right arm. Apparently when I was weedeating I hit an ivy plant and it got on my arms. The ivy starts where my t-shirt sleeve ended and stops where my gloves started.

I've tried every home remedy you can do, lava sopa, dishwashing liquid, clorox, rubbing alcohol, calomine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, and baking soda.

The calomine and hydro do nothing. I think the best results has came from clorox and alcohol. So if anyone ever gets ivy I would recommend that.
This guy has been here for only 3 days and already made 6 threads.

Requesting warning or temporary ban for this fag, plox.

Of course, locking this thread would be a good way to fight the cancer too.
This guy has been here for only 3 days and already made 6 threads.

Requesting warning or temporary ban for this fag, plox.

Of course, locking this thread would be a good way to fight the cancer too.

And you call me the troll...? Anyway, how about you stop spamming my threads?
This guy has been here for only 3 days and already made 6 threads.

Requesting warning or temporary ban for this fag, plox.

Of course, locking this thread would be a good way to fight the cancer too.

Remember Gon, you ARE Cancer :p.

And you call me the troll...? Anyway, how about you stop spamming my threads?

No, he's right. You've made two useless threads in not even 24 hours. Not to sound like an ass, but you have your first warning. Just go easy on the thread making, ok? :)
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