FUCK metallica!!!

This band is the biggest concentration of assholes on the planet, what a bunch of cowardly, pretentious fucks!!!

When they sued Napster because of their greed, and even when they turned pop, I still gave their first four albums credit. I never totally gave up on them because of the greatness of these albums.

But no more.

Not even "Puppets" can't merit them any credit anymore.

This is from a former Metallica fan:

"On the summer tour in 1994, Alice In Chains was meant to be the support act, but Alice In Chains could not fulfill the obligation due to a reported drug problem of Layne Staley's. I will never forget how James made a heroin "shooting up" gesture while the band in mocking played the riff from Man In A Box. It got a lot of laughs."

What a fucking prick. Everyone knows about Jame's own addictions. Not only are they fucking snotty pricks, they are hypocrites.

Fucking self-righteous assholes! I hope they feel like shit.

I have since replaced all the (3) Metallica CDs in my collection with Alice In Chains discs, which had a shitload of more credibility in the first place. My Metallica discs will probably never get many more listens from me. It is a small, insignificant gesture, but it is meaningful to me.

So, in conclusion, FUCK METALLICA!! I hope the self-righteous fuckheads get what they deserve.
hell yeah!!! i never liked the fuckign homos anyway, they are sellout assholes, who care jackshit about of fnas, but only about theirselves and thier money... i hope they all die slow excruciating deaths and rot in hell like worthless scumbags they are....
Personally, I don't give a shit about the attitude of the musicians, I only care about the music. I'm not interested in becoming friends with them, so it has no real bearing on my listening experience. From what I've heard, the guys in Dream Theater are pretty arrogant, too, but they release great music, so I listen to it. The first 4 Metallica discs will remain in my collection for their excellence and personal influence. I quit caring about new stuff from them in 1991.
Well im not going to try to defend metallica, but that happened in 94? So it was a bad move, but it only looks that way because Layne just died.

Personally, I see nothing tragic from Layne's death...drug addiction isnt pretty, but its not like something like this is unexpected. I say stop the metallica hate, just stop listening to them and talking about them and let them die in obscurity.
so what... he proably feels bad about it now, if he even remembers doing it... i just listen to the music, do research on em, and wait till the new album and tour. i don't harp on em, oh well, thats just me
So... Alice in Chains was a mainstream band too you know, what makes them any worse than metallica, because an addict who happened to be their singer died?
Get over it, bands aren't supposed to make music to please you, they make it to please themselves.
Its debatable whether Metallica changed their style to make more money to begin with, because the blues-rock sound of "Load" wasn't really the in-thing in '96.

As far as James making that gesture, its probably friendly. You have to remember that during time period, they were good friends and still are, with Jerry Cantrell at least. I'm not saying he's right in doing that. It is quite wrong to mock someone's misfortunes, but I'm sure just about every member of every band on the planet has done something to mock someone's misfortunes before, so don't single out James Hetfield. You can't honestly tell me you've never made fun of someone cause they drink, or are fat, ugly, etc.