Fuck The Thiefs!!


The Entwined
Nov 23, 2001
Switzerland / Croatia
Yesterday I went to the Opeth gig in Zurich last night. It was really great!! The guys were playing almost two hours and they played some songs they never do live. The people were going crazy and the band left the stage with a big happy smile. After the concert I talked with the drummer and the guitar player and afterwards also the rest of the band came. It was really cool to meet them (again). Really nice people!! After that I went (happily *g*) with my three friends to the car (which we rent fo this concert) and then the bad part of the night started. Somebody had smashed the front window of the car and had stolen my bag. There were some stuff in it and especially my little bad with 12 of my favourite CDs. Fortunatelly my bf found the bag today not very far away from the place where the car was parked but there were some things missing.. My CDs, the keys of my parents appartment and my driving liscence. The most shittiest thing is that some of the CDs were limited (Sentenced, Entwine..) :cry:
I'm really pissed to see how people have no respect of other peoples things and how they don't have a problem with making somebody pay hundreds of Euros for a damage just to get a few things they probably can't even use.:mad: :mad:
ouwch. thats bad....... :(

And if they kept your discs, they probably were at the concert as well. Metallers? bad people? ugh :mad:
Well the one who broke in left the bag at the train station. It could be that somebody there found the discs lying somewhere else and saw it's metal stuff and maybe took it so he/she could give it to the lost-found-buro or it the place where the concert was. Well still hoping that I will get those also cause the american Antimatter edition was in there... :cry:
life is hard and unfair. hope you find your stuff. don't worry that much, worse shit happens every day.
The lame bastards!!!:mad: :mad: when things like this happen,you feel how unsafe and exposed you really are towards any kind of danger...its good that at least you found something...
i really hope you find your cds back.cds are some kind of a fortune,especially if they are limited:cry:
be glad that nothing worse happened,tho.show courage girl!!:)
You have to know what people are like, some good people around but a lot of bad people. I see this in the large supermarket where I work with all the customers. You have to be careful, I've had two bikes nicked, if only I could catch someone stealing something of mine.. now that would be FUN :)
if you dont left anything valuable in your car you cant lose it.
but im quite certain they wont try it with my car.
I have a discman in my car which i use with the cassetterecorder, so i can listen to it. the adapter (power) works with cigarette-illuminator. and there's a led giving off light then.
So every time i park my car, I hide my discman in the glove compartment, so there are wirers from the adapter (with led) to the glove compartement. so they will think its an alarm :lol: