Fuck Wavelab. In the face. With a knife.

As some of you know, Wavelab's workflow is a bit... unconventional. When working in Audio Montage mode, instead of saving all the plugins with the montage (eg. the master session file), you save a master section preset for each project. So when I open a mastering session, I first open the montage which contains the sequenced tracks, markers, metadata and so on, and then open the appropriate master section preset which contains the plugins and their settings.

Well, today I opened a session that I was waiting to be paid to finish it up and burn the master discs, only to find that the master section preset library was completely empty. What the fuck? Oh well, maybe Wavelab has decided to just change the directory. Let's see... No. Empty. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. FUCK.

But wait, I'm an intelligent human being, so I back up my whole system every time I finish something! I'll just fire up Time Machine, find the preset directory and copy the presets, and the day is saved! Right? No. All the presets from the day before are there, but it seems Wavelab has deleted all the presets upon quitting the last time I worked on this session, so only this album's presets are permanently gone. FUCK.

What does this mean in practice? I'm supposed to send out a finished master of an album, and I have lost all the sonic processing due to the nihilist coders of Steinberg not having their shit together. FUCK.

Gladly, I have all the mastered tracks printed as finished WAV files since I sent the first three tracks for approval before, so I can consider myself a lucky bastard for not only printing those three tracks but the whole album. I can send out the WAV's as per usual, and I can save the masters by importing all the processed files into the montage, but yeah, it's a lot of unnecessary work for me.

Seriously, this piece of shit, supposedly professional, 544€ software has been a nightmare from day one. I've had serious stability issues (the only program I've EVER had any with, and I use a ton of different apps like Bias Peak, Pro Tools, Adobe CS4 Design Premium suite and so on) which were only fixed with the latest update, graphic glitches with plugins and so on... When I dish out cash like this, I expect more.

Now... Where could I find three grand to switch to Sequoia? :zombie:
on a serious note ... that sucks dude. Nothing worse than when the software gremlins get hungry. I've never used Wavelab before but just from your description it sounds like a pain in the dick even when its working properly. Lucky thing you had those wave files ready to go
Supposedly it works better on PC's, but the Mac version... Oh, well. From now on I'll be doing all the sonic processing in Pro Tools and sequencing in Wavelab. Yeah, it adds a bit of work, but I can't risk this happening again and I've felt like I should jack my mastering rates up a bit anyway.
Supposedly it works better on PC's, but the Mac version... Oh, well. From now on I'll be doing all the sonic processing in Pro Tools and sequencing in Wavelab. Yeah, it adds a bit of work, but I can't risk this happening again and I've felt like I should jack my mastering rates up a bit anyway.

Without being a software recommending goonball.... have you tried Studio One??? I use it for mixing, and it's bloody great. It has a mastering suite too, but I'm not expert on that side of things. It might not be suitable.
Without being a software recommending goonball.... have you tried Studio One??? I use it for mixing, and it's bloody great. It has a mastering suite too, but I'm not expert on that side of things. It might not be suitable.

Don't think it supports DDP, which is mandatory for me. I admit I'm not familiar with the mastering suite in Studio One, but I don't like the idea of an all-in-one DAW... It always feels like there's a compromise somewhere in there. That's why I like using dedicated mastering software, but it might be just me being thick-headed :)
Don't think it supports DDP, which is mandatory for me. I admit I'm not familiar with the mastering suite in Studio One, but I don't like the idea of an all-in-one DAW... It always feels like there's a compromise somewhere in there. That's why I like using dedicated mastering software, but it might be just me being thick-headed :)

Your prerogative dude :)


Hey drew, have you used Cubase before? I hear that they are kinda similar, so I want to know how painful in terms of workflow would be to switch from Cubase to S1?
Hey drew, have you used Cubase before? I hear that they are kinda similar, so I want to know how painful in terms of workflow would be to switch from Cubase to S1?

They're very similar. Only difference really being that S1 lacks some of the more advanced shit that Cubase has. But workflow-wise, they're pretty similar. I think there is a demo of S1, so grab that if there is. Personally, I'm a massive convert.
To add another possibility, I think (I say I think) Reaper now supports DDP as well, and a full and proper mastering can be done within it. That said, Studio One looks really nice and may be worth the extra bucks, and reaper can be kinda scary for someone who is not used to it.

EDIT : disregard reaper, seems like people are working on it, and it's still an add-on or a script, and not yet implemented natively. The developers might be preparing it for V5, i have no idea.