Fuck You and Your H2


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Haha, this is funny:


I hate SUVs but not because of what they are, mainly who drives them. Nobody uses these things to take the kids offroading to some secluded wilderness spot and maybe enjoy nature for awhile, they either drive 140 miles each way to work, alone, or they put 14 TV monitors in the back and go cruise the highways with their dubs, blings, and other colloquialisms.


that is fucking funny ... i run circles around those fuckers with my MINI .. i always get some ahole in a H2 in my rearview .. trying to stick his grill up my rear ... love to dust them in the curves :rock:
Heehee, I love doing that. This past weekend went up the mountains and my buddies following me later told me "dude once that big truck got out of your way you disappeared!"
You know what's funny is the H2 isn't the biggest or nastiest SUV ever built, but there is just something about it that screams I REALLY REALLY SUCK! and the hatred transcends race, color, and creed.

poseur.4x4.org said:
This page is NOT aimed at owners of 4x4s who ACTUALLY take them off-roading and use them for what they are designed for.
This may become my new favorite website. That Code Pink one has a TON of misinformation though, their facts are way off. I can get specific if anyone cares, but I can't be arsed right now.
lurch70 said:
that is fucking funny ... i run circles around those fuckers with my MINI .. i always get some ahole in a H2 in my rearview .. trying to stick his grill up my rear ... love to dust them in the curves :rock:

I've never seen a stretch SUV before :eek: that's quite ungodly...

Kinda makes me wanna go back to America to experience these absurdities again though. Ohhhhhh.... :cry: