Fucking annoying spam phone calls


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz
we've had a batch of "ring ring...sorry if we disturbed you, but this message was intended for an answering machine". 6:30 to 7:00 is the preferred time.

Anyone got these before ?

Anyone know which company is doing it ?

Anyone know the address ?

Anyone know a biker's gang, who accept cash donations to stop spam phonecalls ?

I remember a few years back some bible basher rang me.

"Have you ever read the bible?"
"Did you realise that it could change your life?"
"Really, go on."

I led her on a bit before my dad realised who was on the phone, grabbed it and said: "No thanks" and hung up. He then turned to me and said: "Don't do that."
Bible basher are easy.

they knock on your door, you answer, they ask if they can read a few passages, you agree.

Then you go inside to watch the car racing.

A few minutes later, they call in through (the locked) screen door "We're reading the bible, and you seem to be in the house doing something else.

Well Duuhhh, they never asked me to listen to them.
hahaha, that's awesome.

I've always wanted to invite them in and then say something like:

"So... would you like some... kool aid?"

in a really conspicous voice.

Or tell them I'm a Raelian, and ask them if they know their bodies as well as they should.
I got the same call last week. I just hung up.

I also got an automated call today telling me that I was lucky enough to be in some Australia wide phone quiz and could win a lotus. I hung up. I've had a heap of these calls lately. If it wasn't for broadband, I would only use my mobile.
Next time I get a call from Optus (on my home phone) asking if I'm interested in combining my home telephone and mobile, I'm going to tell them that I don't have a home telephone. That'll stuff em.
I generally keep a whistle similar to what an umpire uses in a footy match next to my phone , it works great when the idiots ring and if I dont blow out the actual speaker , I feel better after :)
My a thousand camels fertilize those phone spammers loungeroom carpets!!!!!
I never plug my landline in.

I get spam from the ANU and the ABS asking me to do all these fuckign surveys, I even had one from the ABS that was compulsory and if I didn't do it they were going to take me to court.

I hate them

We get fucking mormans here all the time, I don't answer the door. If someone actually knocks on the door I know they aren't someone I want to come in, this is because all my friends just walk straight in without knocking.
The same people who are tasked with carrying out a regular census, which is to verify the population. (Australian Beureau of Statistics).

BTW, did you know that they are only legally allowed to ask how many people were under which roof on a given night...all other questions are optional, in spite of religion being marke the only optional question.

So the first half dozen (identifying the address and how many people), plus the religion question are what I ever answer.
Could they hear your answer?

Here's a good'un:

"He went out like a deaf kid playing musical chairs."