Fucking Death Metal!!!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Holy shit man, why is death metal so badass? I've been playing instruments for 14 years and listening to death metal for over 10 now... and I just don't understand why more people don't love it!?!?!? I'm talking about all genres and subgenres (black, death, everything inbetween), this whole scene is just so fucking cool. Where else can you find raw pure emotion and complex musicianship?!?!?

I must apologize, it's New Years and I have imbibed much too fully... hahaha... stayed safe, stayed at home. :D
Hellyes Black Metal's a raw & entire musical style, can dig much of the Death Metal combos too, np,
Back now but hang out as well today eheh ....
I agree completely man, Death Metal is an awesome style of music. The maturity and complexity of the music along with the raw emotion put it into it... man, it's just great all in itself.
I love death metal :headbang:. I have been listening to it for around 2 years now. It'll never get too mainstream obviously because it's too extreme. Some of it's great but not all of it as that great I think. Deicide is death metal and their new songs just sucks.
Originally posted by The Deathrace King
Simply put, its not for everyone.

Nor should it be.
Very true! I was so wasted when I posted this last night... I'm glad it was coherent. :lol:
people cant comprihend talent. notice only shitty and simplistic "musicians" get big?

i love DM as well, its my drug of choice
I agree, too
I think, when you listen to classical music all the time and then you hear Kataklysm, it's to extrem! You have to approach slowly to this style. Also, Death Metal and Black Metal are extremly prejusticed! The fans (We) and the bands have to change this!!!!
But I don't want a mainstream style (Blackney Spears ;) ;) ;) )
Hail to At the Gates
Actually I've always said that death metal is the only style of music that is a derivative of classical music. Good death metal, anyhow.
Originally posted by NAD
Actually I've always said that death metal is the only style of music that is a derivative of classical music. Good death metal, anyhow.

ive been sayin this too. structure wise and melody wise, death metal and classical music are very similar. check out stuff by stravinsky for a good example. specifically his "rite of spring"
People dont like metal because of the vocals and its not trendy or cool. I think its because people now will only listen to something that is spoon fed to them and called cool. Hence why nu metal is getting more and more popular and real metal is ignored.
A lot of death metal is very accessible to people who have previously/also very much been into classic rock or classical music. The music really builds on qualities from these genres, and while DM isn't for everyone by any means, there are a great many people who could get into it fairly easily.

Only one thing stops them.

The vocals.

Dude, my dad loves half the DM music I put on. He likes the guitars, he thinks the drumming's kinda cool, he likes the complex musicianship and the solos. But like most others, he can't get into it because of the vocals. Most people genuinely just cannot comprehend or appreciate death vocals (high or low) enough to get into the music. To people who are so used to clean vocals, death vocals really do sound completely rediculous. I was one of the lucky people that loved the vocal styles from the start, but my dad..... :cry: there is no salvation for him.

As for emotion.....hmmm. Granted, there's a lot of it in metal, but most of it is negative. Yeah I know, the aggression purges your own anger and sadness, and that's great, but for appreciating the musical aesthetic itself, metal is by no means the greatest purveyor of positive or ambiguous emotion, or even purely melancholic. It's like, metal is founded from the ethics of anger, chaos, disorder, rebellion which promote a music that initially is geared to sound aggressive and heavy. It's only through evolution of style and taste that it's come to encompass more varieties of emotion, and (to me) these great new emotions in metal other than anger are merely secondary. And, personally, I don't feed from or purge much personal anger nowadays, i'm really only into it for the formal appreciation most of the time. For the greatest powers of emotion, you really can't get more subversice music than classical.
Very well put, Sculpted Cold.

The vocals do throw most people off, that's what kept my girlfriend from ever listening to it before she met me. "I thought it was just noise before I met you..." and now she has gone to see Hypocrisy with me, and next month is Opeth. :)
Originally posted by SculptedCold
A lot of death metal is very accessible to people who have previously/also very much been into classic rock or classical music. The music really builds on qualities from these genres, and while DM isn't for everyone by any means, there are a great many people who could get into it fairly easily.

I can relate to that, as I was always a classic/80s and thrash metal fan (Megadeth, Metallica, Maiden, Priest, Ozzy, Motley Crue, Sabbath, Testament, Overkill, Metal Church etc.) and then I started listening more and more to black and death metal, as it had some of the qualities and more of my favorite bands, and darker... it took me while to really get into though, but now I'm hooked... this is why I always tell people to have patience and not rush into getting into certain bands, it takes time. :)