fucking nutter church masacre

Didn't hear that, but I did hear about the escaped loon in Atlanta yesterday. This man was in court for rape -- the judge was even passing sentence, when the dude jumped the desk, wrestled the police officer to the floor, took his gun and shot the judge, then the cop....and on his way out he even shot the fucking typist making notes!!

Then he ran out the courthouse and hijacked about 3 different cars consecutively before getting away. Right now there is a man hunt on for him in Georgia.

I thought that shit only happened in the movies...
Actually . . . he took the gun from the FEMALE (and a grandmother) deputy escorting him to the courthouse (without shakles!). He shot her in the face (she lived). He then went into the courthouse, hunted down the judge, killed the judge and the stenographer, then he went outside and killed a cop on his way to escaping.

They looked all night for a car they thought he stole. It turns out the car was parked in the same parking garage they thought it was stolen from.
They got the dude in Atlanta now we just have to wait for a few years worth of a trial to determine whether or not he did it, then another several months determining how damaged his brain was so he shouldn't serve any time, then finally when he kills somebody else everyone will wonder "what went wrong?" Meanwhile high profile lawyers everywhere are suing GM for defamation because when they are driving their H2 around town, all the women laugh and make the little peepee hand motion toward them.

The system no longer works.
JayKeeley said:
Didn't hear that, but I did hear about the escaped loon in Atlanta yesterday. This man was in court for rape -- the judge was even passing sentence, when the dude jumped the desk, wrestled the police officer to the floor, took his gun and shot the judge, then the cop....and on his way out he even shot the fucking typist making notes!!

"Defendant shoots cop...defendant shoots judge...stenogropher is shitting his pants...now he's pointing a gun in my fa-"