fucking score!!!


happiness is jagermiester
Jan 15, 2004
I went to gamestop today to pick up a few games and came home with the fucking motherload!!!!

wild arms
wild arms 2
brave fencer musashi
parasite eve
armored core nexus
" " nine breaker
" " master of arena

preorders for

final fantasy xii
kindom hearts II
metal gear solid 3-subsistance

and heres the kicker, all of it was 80
7 games, 5 of which are rare as fuck anymore, as well as 3 of the big titles of the year preordered for under 100 bucks, thats fucking awesome (but Im a rabid video gamer anyway)
I really hope MGS 3 Subsistence is more of a challenge than the previous one...
it took my brother and i a couple of hours to clock snake eater. all MGS have been really good games, the concepts and graphics were awesome but the last few have been kinda easy