Fucking YES!


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
Look what I just took delivery of....


We will be selling them tomorrow at Reign In Metal.... unfortunately I'm not sure of the price yet but they shouldn't be anymore then 20-25 bucks.

And yes, this post was pure SPAM! ;)
What would it cost Gore? And how long would it take? Say if I wanted only 10-20 shirts in a range of sizes? Also keeping in mind that this is a non-metal related request.

For the sake of the argument, lets say I wan't 20 shirts, all printed up and stuff like Todd's there.

This post is making the mistake of responding to spam.
I want to be cool, so if I just make up a band, can you make me some tshirts so I can tell everyone "im in the band"?
I just checked my cd's, it's not finntroll.

It's very someone that isn't celestial though.

Nice shirts though, I'd probably buy one. Do they sound much different from the last time I saw them?
Yeah.... they ditched the keyboardist, drummer, bassist and singer. The songs have been stripped back to the bare essentials and they sound fucking massive. The two new songs we've written are sound awesome as well... one of which shares the title from the back of the shirt. And look out for that song.... it's fast as fuck!
You know, you could just check out the website! :p

The band is me, simon (lead guitar/vocals), jody (rhythm guitar) and scotty (bass)

Hmmm... Meshuggah stripped back, the original songs were written for keyboards to be included and for a totally different singing style. They're now just more straight ahead thrash songs, something which basically came in the second I joined really
Funnily enough, I didn't hear any "the band sucked but the chick was hot" comments from the show and I had a few people keeping an ear out for it. We wanna get down to canberra soon, who's booking the new venues down there?