Fuge (Mimic now) new old song re-recorded, with vox and real bass

Really cool, especially the vocals and guitar playing. That's one hell of a pod tone also. Good luck you guys totally deserve to be picked up by a label. Only criticism is that i think the snare could be fatter with a little more reverb. You should post DI's so people can reamp for you :heh:
Loving the music dude..

Some comments.

I much preferred when you had a really tight bass. I think it used to be programmed. But it was REALLY tight around the lowmids and cut through really nicely. Kinda like Mudvayne/BTBAM basses. I think that'd suit better, this one is sorta just filling up the lowend and adding some twang.. I don't think it's adding much to the mix. Its too scooped.

The vocalist sounds REALLY good but a lot of the cleanish vocals sound too autotuned.. makes him sound like Linkin Park a bit. I think something rawer would suit a lot better.

Guitars are sounding pretty decent.. but any reason you don't use the free amp sims available? If you can get this with a POD I can't imagine what you'd get with the X30 or something through Ryan's impulses.

Also toms are really loud, especially in the lowend. I don't mind it, but it'll pose a problem when (if?!) you want to get this loud.
Hey Guys!

This new music is very insane, i like the overall ambience.
Mix-wise critic is the hi-end is too harsh or loud i think(maybe the high fizz from the guitars)and the mix is too squashed and loud. The low end could be a bit more powerful. Yeah and the toms have a too big low-end, it "peaks" on every hit. The vocals are insane and very good.

Anyway, i hope i could help for you. And i hope you'll pick up a major label soon!
Hate to say it, but I actually think that the original version was better :( That one is too polished, the snare sounds dull and the singer is all over the song plus his vocals don't fit the tune at all... But that's just my opinion bro!
Great Stuff!
the vocalsist really has some linkin park vibe in his voice sometimes, but its great anyway...Bennington is a great vocalist imo
just some high notes sound a bit strange...autotune?
a pitty its just shitty myspace quality :p
I wish there were more growls, the melodies don't always work with all the craziness going on underneath IMO :( Also, I guess you scooped the guitars more compared to the old version of Egg (which I've listened to at least 100 times :D) to make room for the vox, but I still think they could use a bit more mids. And that snare is so freakin' high, good god, not too crazy about it tbh :/ The song is still awesome as ever though! :headbang:

Oh, and tell your singer the 90s called, they want their hairstyle back :D