Full Nothing


Shopping Ape
Dec 29, 2001
Alpharetta, GA
So this popped up in the eMusic new releases today in the metal section and had an interesting looking cover so I checked it out. Its basically mid tempo melodic rock/metal with some symphonic touches and pretty good vocals. Its got a pretty chill and smooth vibe to my ears, which is not normally something that would be a selling point for me, but doggonit if it ain't really good. Took some searching but I found some tracks on YouTube and heard enough to make me purchase it. They have a Facebook page with no real info on it so I can't really tell you anything about the band. With a name like Full Nothing, Google isn't much help but some tracks got posted on YouTube. Here are a couple highlights, follow the link for more:

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Definitely cool stuff! The official website is pretty worthless though, and the FB page is equally useless. Looks like there will be a CD. Nothing on Bandcamp and I don't do itunes, so I guess I'll just wait for something official.
Its on [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Full-Nothing/dp/B014CJE55U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1440772959&sr=8-1&keywords=full+nothing"]Amazon[/ame] and eMusic (which is where I got it)