Full Song For Your Mixing Pleasure

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I figured its time i try to give back to this forum. This is a song i wrote and recorded the guitar and bass for. My friend recorded vocals and mind you we placed the vocals as we recorded them. If its garbage feel free to line up and kick me in the balls 1 by 1. I recorded guitar di's with my profire 610 and countryman type 85. Just did it with fresh strings. Its in drop A (i know im a tool) and i quad tracked it. My playing on some parts isnt really tight enough to be quad tracked but its just to have the option. Post your mixes!

My Mix (its quiet) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2113488/Roflsaurusrex Mix.mp3

Updated Files (3.22.10 everything lines up and drums velocities and timing are a bit different)
I have a quick question; You DIed, but those are the clean guitar parts right? What did you use for the distortion?
I have a quick question; You DIed, but those are the clean guitar parts right? What did you use for the distortion?

the way you get the distortion is by reamping the clean parts. I wont go into it but its really just taking those clean parts and running them through an amp or amp sim so its almost as if the guitar player is playing the part right there.

Look at this sticky and just look around from there. There is soo much information about this kinda stuff on this forum

The song and DI's are great.
I find that studying DI's that work is quite helpful to me.

thanks, I used to go direct in to my m-audio duo, but now having the countryman into the octane preamps of the profire makes everything sound so much tighter and cleaner. I def recommend getting the countryman for passive or active pickups. I got mine on Ebay for $100 and i have seen them for cheaper.

Feel free to post any mixes you guys make
I might give it a go later. I appreciate it when people upload full songs for mixing practice. I really need to hone my skills.
haha why the smug face? Im not in the position right now where i can mic a drum kit in a treated room with excellent preamps and such, so yes, these ARE midi drums. Whats the problem?

Haha, because i don't know how to work with MIDI drums. :p

I've always recorded real drums and have never messed with MIDI. I guess i should learn though.
Haha, because i don't know how to work with MIDI drums. :p

I've always recorded real drums and have never messed with MIDI. I guess i should learn though.

oh my bad, i thought you were kinda just being a douche cause i wasnt using real drums lol, my bad. Its actually very easy, you need a program (vsti format in my case) such as superior drummer, addictive drums, drumkit from hell etc. and all you do it insert the midi file onto that track and it will play the corresponding notes that are programmed on the midi file. So say i have a note programmed at C2 when the bar gets played over that note, it will play a kick drum (I know that is a very vague answer.) There are plenty of free (although not to great sounding) drum programs you can start with to learn how to do it although it is always better to learn to mic a kit (considering your not just pointing a 57 at the whole kit and calling it done lol). Let me know if you have any questions