Full song from new upcoming CoF album

:mad: I should bash this song just because the download page crashed my Opera, the song was in wma-format and I had to send M$ some "information" in order to play the fucker... but I try not to let these things effect my judgment.

Pretty standard (and very good) CoF-song IMO, maybe little more "riffy" than usual, Dani uses the "trademark" high-pitch screaming very little, but I've noticed that happening on the last albums too. Maybe his throat can't handle it anymore. The riff on 2.45-3.00 should've been used more, I liked it. Very promising.
Originally posted by Aethernal
Dani Filth is a prissy, self-loving, over-the-top, limey prick with no true melodic vocal talent.

The band plays decent black metal, but their pseudo-evil persona gets under my skin.

what he said...
Well now for some reason i can't listen to the song anymore, the site even said throughout the month of feb. anyone can listen to it i'm pissed off damn it.:mad:
I've been on the Filth-Wagon for quite a few years now and I liked the song. I still wish there was more of his 'screech-owl' persona in the song but musically it's very good. I didn't hear the choir or the orchestra in it so apparently Dani's got a few tricks up his sleeve for the album.
New song "poison heart" sounds great, this CD will be must have purchase for me. The CD Damnation and a Day has 17 tracks featuring orchestra and choir sections, also notice 1st video directed by WIZ (aka Marilyn Manson) influenced by film 120 days in sodom.......sounds like sick, depraved, immoral stuff which suits COF just fine. :)