Full song! Very rough mix

Putfile - Confession01 45

Here's an updated version. I added some guitar shit over the middle..seemed empty...


Hahah....thats my singer damn you. This is great to hear him in a diffrent context though. Mix is solid. I would say its lacking a little low end though. Is there even a bass? Writing is really good. Curious what your recording chain was. I asked him and he said "he has a big mic like you". I recorded him with a SM7b. Its funny because he sounds so diffrent, but you got him after a years worth of practice. And yes at times the snare seems a little dis-jointed.
Sup man.....lol.

Yeah, he sounds great!

Mic was a sm7b into a vtb-1 preamp. Guitars 5150 mic'd with sm57 into vtb-1 preamp. There is a bass there some where..lol. Was played, how to say this, sloppy..lol. When its louder you can hear how sloppy it is...Im prolly gonna redo the bass myself. Brian (not sure if you know him) played the bass.

Snare has been giving me some trouble. Im gonna redo the drum mix tonight. I did this mostly with headphones...(too many people here to really mix properly).

I heard your demo man...sounds killer. Would like to know your set up.
Sup man.....lol.

Yeah, he sounds great!

Mic was a sm7b into a vtb-1 preamp. Guitars 5150 mic'd with sm57 into vtb-1 preamp. There is a bass there some where..lol. Was played, how to say this, sloppy..lol. When its louder you can hear how sloppy it is...Im prolly gonna redo the bass myself. Brian (not sure if you know him) played the bass.

Snare has been giving me some trouble. Im gonna redo the drum mix tonight. I did this mostly with headphones...(too many people here to really mix properly).

I heard your demo man...sounds killer. Would like to know your set up.

Good god what version of the demo did your hear? Did Matt show you new stuff when he came over to record with you? If it was the old stuff from way back when then my setup was something like...

and a Mackie Board.

Needless to say things have changed since then and if it was newer stuff then the setup is more along the lines of...

AD conversion =
Swapped the 1010lt for a 1010
Some parts were also recording wih Lavrey Blues

Pre's =
GreatRiver MP2nV
Grace Model 101

Monitering chain =
Presonus Central Station to some Event's

Mic's =
Ksm 141 for OH's
SM7b vox
KSM27 and 141 is used for the few acoustic parts
The rest of the kit was miced with SM57's on toms, hi-hats, and ride, and a B52 for the kick (of course the majority of it has been triggerd to high hell)
I have been micing the cabs with a 57, 58, and Sen 601 black. But again I mostly have been just using the 57.
The bass is DI into the Great River all though I wish I would have used the Grace 101.

I am sending out the new stuff to a mastering house tomorrow so I should have it back mid late next week.

It's funny. I have been tryinig to figure out who you were ever since Matt came out to record with you and he told me you were on these boards.

When I first listen to the mix I listened to it on my computer speakers which have a sub hooked up and I was like damn this is nice and balanced. I then whet over to my rig and listen to it on my moniters and noticed the bass drop out a lot and the snare seemed a little out of place at times. I am going to give a second listen when I get off of work and post some more opinions. One thing for sure is I love the writing you do. I really wish my band did some faster stuff like that.

By the way what processing did you do on his vocals?
I use KRK 5's for monitoring and have not listened to this mix thru them yet. Im sure I will find something similar as to what you're saying.

Used waves ssl channel on the vocals..came out nice I think. Only other processing used was some reverb and delay..

I thought it was bass heavy thru the phones so I high passed the mix around 40hz..OOPS!

Snare could also be a velocity issue...Ill play with that as well....

Looking forward to hearing your shit when its done man.
I use KRK 5's for monitoring and have not listened to this mix thru them yet. Im sure I will find something similar as to what you're saying.

Used waves ssl channel on the vocals..came out nice I think. Only other processing used was some reverb and delay..

I thought it was bass heavy thru the phones so I high passed the mix around 40hz..OOPS!

Snare could also be a velocity issue...Ill play with that as well....

Looking forward to hearing your shit when its done man.

Awesome...like I said I will take another listen when I get home and tell you what I think.