Funniest South Park episode ever

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Since all SP episodes are online at their website, I decided to watch a few I had missed in the last few seasons. Unedited too!

I have to say that the funniest one I think I've ever seen was when Cartman claimed to have Tourette's. When he started calling Kyle's mom a big fat kike with a gigantic dirty Jew nose, I almost threw up from laughing so hard.

Britney's New Look was pretty fucking funny too.

Your funniest, if you like SP?
Crips vs. Bloodz one with Jimmy and Timmy. Hands down. Passion of the Jew was a close second. Make Love, not Warcraft third.
I actually saw the episode mentioned on tv a few days ago, It was pretty funny but almost all south park past the first couple seasons really starts to suck sadly. It used to be a great show.
The last couple of seasons have been pretty good. It's true they hit a dry spell somewhere in the middle, but lately it's pretty funny.
The funniest one I've seen was the one (don't know the title) where Cartman made this kid eat his parents.
"oh your tears, oh your tears taste so sweet!!"
Ginger kids is my favorite.

2nd is the one where Mr. Garrison had his sex change operation and thought he was pregnant from fucking truckers.
RED ROCKET! RED ROCKET! Come on...the kids jerkin' off their dogs is a classic.

Or the one where Cartman tries to get a photo of Butters being gay by snapping a shot of Butters sleeping with his cock in Cartmans mouth. "uh Cartman, that makes you gay" classic.
my top three would be the Scott Tenorman one, the michael jackson episode, and the high school musical one. haha i just like that guy going around slapping people! :lol:

Hard to top Crips vs. Bloodz and Towelie !!! Not sure of the episode name, but the one with "Brazilian Fart Porn" was awesome....I still laugh when I say Brazilian Fart Porn...
Everything that didn't involve either Towelie or Terrance and Phillip...

Way too hard, but "Scott Tenorman Must Die" and "Die Hippie, Die" are strong contenders. Just way to much...

Still love this show second to none, but I gotta say that since they're heavily dabbling in recent pop culture for the last few seasons, the consistency of quality has faded a bit.