Funny Great White dis on front page of Columbus Dispatch.


Cover story of the Saturday Dispatch! They interview "Rick Katella The Rock
'n' Roll Reverend" owner of the Al Rosa Villa (shit-hole, it's housed two SOD shows, but thankfully Anthrax haven't sunk to playing there, yet) Anyway, Rick is like "We passed on Great White last month, we just didn't think they were worth it, only one original member, and the promoter wanted to play on a Wednesday, so we turned 'em down." :lol: The owner of a club that houses such "legends" as Jani Lane, Ratt, Vince Neil, and all those horrible cover bands, turned down Great White. That tells where that band was headed.
If you're interested in the club btw:
Don't forget Armored Saint played there!

I've seen Overkill there twice and they generally pack 'em in there. I saw Overkill at the Newport and the place looked empty. Al Rosa might be a shithole and a sign your career is going nowhere, but at least their security guards are not dicks like ECM at the Newport!
Security is bit tighter at the Newport, and on two occasions, they've pissed me off. Once they didn't honor my NFC pass, and on another occasion I was kicked out of a TON show for allegedly passing a joint - which I didn't even do, it was the group of people w/ me doh! I'm like "you're kicking the wrong guy out!" But, they have a job to do, and they do it. At least I feel safe there. I was at the Al Rosa once, during 6 ft. Under, and the place was dumb enough to leave tables and chairs out. At one point, some one threw a chair, it nearly hit a really good friend of mine. So he threw it back, and then a chair throwing melee occurred - while the Al Rosa staff stood around looking like deer in the headlights.