funny Maryland Death Fest story....


Sep 30, 2005
So it seems like DOWN will not play if people are wearing spikes / bullet belts. So they had to frisk people at the door and turn people away if they had them on. From reading the facebook wall people were saying they had to go all the way back to thier hotels or cars and put clothes back and buy new stuff at the fest because they couldnt wear thier jackets. The fest even said it wasn't the was DOWN. It sounds like people missed bands they wanted to see because of it.
MDF should have told Down to fuck off. Besides would the fest have lose that much if Down was not there? I have yet to go to a MDF but it doesn't strike me that it would be that much of the redneck metal crowd that Down appeals to.
I've never gone to that fest, so I don't know if there is a precedent for wearing those items. I'd say that's no different than any other venue - every time I go to the Allstate Arena for a metal show, you have to pass through security and get patted down. I've seen people turned away for wearing anything with spikes or chains. No surprise there.
I was talking to some people tonight who have gone and they said that it has changed so much from what it used to be. They have had some great bands in the past but I see no reason why Down was there......just a terrible band.
I've never gone to that fest, so I don't know if there is a precedent for wearing those items. I'd say that's no different than any other venue - every time I go to the Allstate Arena for a metal show, you have to pass through security and get patted down. I've seen people turned away for wearing anything with spikes or chains. No surprise there.

it is mostly outdoor and it is never an issue. Phil from Down wanted this as a part of the rules that day they were playing.
I've never gone to that fest, so I don't know if there is a precedent for wearing those items. I'd say that's no different than any other venue - every time I go to the Allstate Arena for a metal show, you have to pass through security and get patted down. I've seen people turned away for wearing anything with spikes or chains. No surprise there.

I have gone to that fest a few times. No precedent.
I've only ever seen people turned away for that kind of stuff at big arenas. No studs/spikes at a metal show is a huge surprise and just dumb...
reading today that there is issues with some security saying that autographs are pay only and taking money but it is all free. Even the fest people are posting on facebook saying that is anyone see's this or anything else like this happening to contact them so they can be told to leave or press charges. There is some odd stuff happening there it seems like. I am sure it is a small 2% of the people doing this or even being victims of it but interesting enough.

I think it is a cool fest but one that now seems people just go to go to and they can say they are there or go to just party and drink....which ends up in way too many drunk people being stupid.
Its called Maryland Death Fest and they have Down playing, thats a joke.

exactly. All festivals have people who come to just party and drink. This year is seems more and more people are going to say they went other than really going for certain bands. Just reading the post people are making on the facebook wall they are going to have to work extra hard next year to make sure the same issues don't happen.

so far lots of people are talking about the security opening and taking money out of wallets and stuff and all sorts of crooked stuff going on. it sounds more of the security company that was hired than the fest itself. It is a shame...this fest if done right could be huge...bigger than it already is actually. I have have been reading people suggesting the fairgrounds out there for next year. Who knows. With any large fest there will be issues.

Like pat Keep it True the amount of drunks by the end of the night made it not so fun to be on the main floor near the front.
exactly. All festivals have people who come to just party and drink. This year is seems more and more people are going to say they went other than really going for certain bands. Just reading the post people are making on the facebook wall they are going to have to work extra hard next year to make sure the same issues don't happen.

so far lots of people are talking about the security opening and taking money out of wallets and stuff and all sorts of crooked stuff going on. it sounds more of the security company that was hired than the fest itself. It is a shame...this fest if done right could be huge...bigger than it already is actually. I have have been reading people suggesting the fairgrounds out there for next year. Who knows. With any large fest there will be issues.

Like pat Keep it True the amount of drunks by the end of the night made it not so fun to be on the main floor near the front.

It has been getting bigger, every single year. Rome wasn't built in a day. The times I've gone, I've never really had any security issues, but I know the club now has new management or something so they probably have a new team in place...
Not really any different from In Solitude, Pentagram, Ghost, Tsjuder, Watain, DRI, etc etc etc playing DEATH fest. Or if you're talking quality...the shitty slam or tech death bands.

Well I agree, a fest shouldn't be called Death Fest if they have bands that aren't extreme bands. To me it doesnt make sense, they should stick to what their original focus was bu thats just me.
well it is just a name.....look at Ragnarokkr...that would be seen by many as a viking / folk metal fest name. MDF has grown huge so quickly due to them adding more bands outside the norm.

I think there seemed to be more issues than normal this year with security. Or maybe with more social media outlets to vent now. Even the promoters have issued statements about it. It is still a top notch fest with the amount of name acts they are able to bring over.
Yeah,you certainly can't slam a fest for branching out to reach new audiences.
If that's the case, you would have to slam Ragnarokkr for booking Ashbury, Winterhawk, or Tyrant's Reign.
Bottom line is every fest WANTS to expand to bring in new customers, so they take a chance to see what will work that will also appeal to their core audience.

To me though, DOWN is a commercial band which goes against why a fest like that was put together in the first place.
Honestly, the MDF folks should have told them, sorry, this is an underground fest. We simply arent going to do that.
Down were probably a deciding factor for VERY few folks....

That Sunday lineup was just downright ridiculous!!!!
Manilla Road, Pentagram, Venom, and Pagan Altar on ONE day??????????
I'll get slammed for this, but I actually like Down, but I will agree it made no sense for them to be there. They tend to sell out a lot of shows, plus they tour frequently. Like Jason said, no one's going to go there because Down is playing.

As far as this silly request, I bet it's paranoia still due to the Dimebag thing as it seems any band that has anything to do with Pantera has heightened security because of it. This situation was ridiculous...that people had to go back to their hotel, remove their shit, miss bands in the process, etc.
Bottom promoter wants to deal with a lawsuit....
They chose to side with DOWN's demands.

What still amazes me sometimes are venues that serve beer in bottles!