Funny Story;


Guitarist In The Making
May 14, 2007
Apple Valley, CA, USA
So I was in my Classical Piano Musicianship II class early.. I did a little bit of scale practice, chordal practice and improvisational practice.. But I got a little bit bored after 30 minutes;

so I hopped onto one of the mac computers right next to the digital pianos... Now mind you that there were like four other people in the piano lab room when this happened (luckily they were all my friends otherwise it could have been very embarrassing!) ..... so to satiate my boredom I decided to check the pyramaze forums from school, no new posts had been made yet, and since I was at the forums I suddenly got a craving for some of that awesome and original pyramaze sound..

So I go to the Pyramaze myspace; and the Forsaken Kingdom clip plays right away EXTREMELY loud through the headphones so everyone hears the, "aaaaaahhhhh" at the beginning.. I pulled off the headphones very quickly because it hurt my ears and looked up afterwads to find everyone staring at me all crazy, haha.. I did take the moment to pitch pyramaze to them though! Pyrawarrior Civic Duties of the week completed!

-Anyone else have any amusing stories or anything you have done this week to promote Pyramaze?
I am also interested to know whether or not it worked.

I've been kicking Pyramaze into my cousin's face for the past few weeks, but nothing exciting.
I've shown Pyramaze to more people than I can count, and most of them are like "whoah, how did I not know about these guys?!"

My most successful pitch has been my girlfriend hah hah. She's kind of a punker but she loves Pyramaze, Iced Earth, and a bunch of others. We were both freaking out when we first heard Matt would join up w/ Pyramaze (him being both of our favorite vocalist) ever.

The more people who know, the more people who get excellent tunes.