further evidence that Newbury Comics employees are evil mod coke sluts


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
So, they keep their copies of WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth behind the counter (I guess it's a h0tt item for shoplifters) and have a fake box on the shelf that sez "Bring to Register to Purchase."

I procede to the register, parcel clutched in my sweaty hands, and deliver it to the Paul Frank/Army Surplus clad employee at the register.

He arches one eyebrow.

"Just this then?" I nod. Pregnant pause. Sigh. "Hang on." The other four employees behind the counter stare at me. A few minutes later he returns. "We sold out of that one. Guess that shouldn't have been on the shelf."


I'd like to point out that someone would have had to actively return the empty box to the shelf, knowing full well that they had just sold the last copy of the game. Thus, malicious intent.
Why is it that all music/comic book stores are run by jerk off mods. Especially that one mod chick, who works the register in the metal section and fucking hates every single band shirt, cd I buy, and gives me dirty looks. I'm talking about Generation records (NYC Village) btw, that slutty mod/punk or whatever the fuck she is with the purple hair.
generation is a shit-hole.

anyway, i hope i am not a mod.
but those mods in boston aren't real mods. they are like, neo-mods. sort of the evolutionary equivalent to the tadpole with two tails that tries to pass itself off as a genetic advancement.
It maybe a shit hole, but it's the only place I know of where they sell obscure black metal band cds, as well as every single underground band I listen too. Not too mention an extensive Vinyl section, with EMPEROR vinyls. Also, 13 bucks for a band shirt I'll pay 25 for at a show.