

Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
"A long time ago I postulated several ways the GBA could interact with games on the Cube, and it's a topic that still interests me very much. In the new Zelda, once a particular item is found a second player can join the first - controlled via the GameBoy itself - as a fairy named "Tingle" - in a co-operative capacity. It is clear that Tingle is the most sensual name ever devised. However, I am curious if Tingle's abilities - frequent hints to puzzles, as well as the ability to drop bombs - help or hinder the game overall. "
I'd like to add that the Tingle laugh you see above this post isn't my final word on the matter. Frankly, I'm speechless. With glee. A sort of gay, green skin-tight red speedos gayness such that you can see the outline of my dripping boner.
the mere though of a fairy named Tingle makes me hearken back to the time we got drunk at the radio station and recorded some stuff using the pitch shifter.

"You live in a barrel, muthaf$#a!!"

That was also the day we had Satan record a drop for us with Harry Connick Jr piano music in the background. BEST RADIO PROMO EVA.

Satan: "I think I caught the sniffles. Hm. How 'bout that black metal, huh? EVIL STUFF."