FX Teleport

black sugar

The Burninator
Has anybody tried this or heard anything about it?


I'm an avid UAD/Powercore user, and I've been toying with the idea of moving to a laptop and a (used) magma chassis.

But running FX Teleport on a MicroATX or rackmount bitch machine would be way cheaper and not too different in terms of mobility. You could also send files back and forth really easily for backup, etc.

Hopefully I'll have some time to play with the demo this weekend.

Thoughts? Comments?
Actually, with some big plugins (convolution reverbs), it was using more CPU on the host than running it on the same machine... I checked the website and contacted them, and the answer was "Yeah, that's normal, this is a limitation we have". So... I had high hopes as well, but this was too beautiful to be true.
Damn. That's too bad. If it worked, you could have sent each piece of the kit to a different castle impulse. Haha. Suck on that, John Bonham.

Well, I guess that doesn't quite rule out the possibility of using it to teleport UAD plugs. I don't suppose anyone in their right mind would have tried that yet, though. Why do I always end up having to find the most complicated way do things?

Liquid hot MAGMA.

I have yet to try the Magma. It sounds cool though...
You could use an ADAT Lightpipe to connect two computers and this would be much more efficient to create a plugin-farm... Might do that soon myself unless I can get my hands on a Dual G5 and a Powercore (but now that I bought this stupid amp - couldn't resist, dreamt about it for like 10 years, and it was there, a very good deal, the kind of ones you only have once in your life - I guess I'm gonna eat pastas (and not pizzas) for the rest of my life, hahaha).
haha :)
Let's take an example : Computer A with 8 ADAT I/O is main computer, and computer B with 8 ADAT I/O is your plugin-farm. You connect the Ins and the Outs of your ADATs, and then send the tracks you want to remotely process to the Computer B through one channel, and get it back.
That would go for example like this :
- Kick on Comp A -> ADAT Out -> Comp B ADAT In -> Eq, Comp, Gate, Whatever -> Comp B ADAT Out -> Comp A ADAT In -> Main Bus (or Sub Group or whatever).

I may be wrong in some places since I've never done it but it should work (some people do it and it works for them). Of course, you'd have to deal with some latency issues though.