Didn't like it either, but mainly due to the fact that the rebel leader already stating they wished to give him a trial first. This was a big question a month or so ago, that is, what to do with him once they found him. Most agreed to follow the rule of law and some even came out to say they hoped he wouldn't be killed and paraded through the streets. This is why, I'm sure. Of course, I'm not the least bit surprised about revolutionaries from a Muslim country acting like the cavemen from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Maybe he deserved to be put to death, I'm not saying he didn't; however, that's not up to me and that wasn't up to a bunch of savages dancing around his body. It was up to a court of law and not up to revolutionaries who were labeled terrorists a year ago. Funny how it's terrorism against the western world except when they work with us. It's like the Mujahadeen (sp?) all over again.
I realize the fact that things cannot always be so cut and dried in different geopolitical climates, but a line has to be drawn. Mark my words, whatever praise NATO got for aiding this will be quickly dashed to the wind when the media links it to these cavemen carrying out an execution, WHICH IS A WAR CRIME. Am I sorry he's dead? Of course not...but it's not up to me or anyone else outside a court of law and our personal opinions don't enter into it.