Gallery Of Echoes Polls


Earth. Soul. Rock n' Roll
Jan 26, 2003
London, UK
It's been a while since was launched and now the time has come to launch the first poll. This month's poll is about Threshold (of course!) and the pictures were submitted by Graham Slade, one of the Threshold Street Team co-ordinators.

Click HERE to choose your favourite picture. The picture with the highest number of votes will enter the Gallery Of Echoes. Please vote for the the best picture, not your favourite musician.

Thanks for voting!
Btw, is there anybody who is going to the following Threshold dates:

18/04/08 Plato, Helmond, Holland [Support: A Day's Work]
19/04/08 Boerderij, Zoetermeer, Holland [Support: RPWL]
30/05/08 Legacy Festival, Belgrade, Serbia
Apart from Serbs I doubt anyone else will be attending Legacy Festival from this forum. And I truly hope there won't be any complications, for new government elections will be held several days before the gig...
Btw, is there anybody who is going to the following Threshold dates:

18/04/08 Plato, Helmond, Holland [Support: A Day's Work]
19/04/08 Boerderij, Zoetermeer, Holland [Support: RPWL]
30/05/08 Legacy Festival, Belgrade, Serbia

LeonV and Me will do Both. I expect Snakelady will be in Zoetermeer aswell. Don't know about Riverside, but i expect him to at at least one of those, but probably both.
Firewind Picture Poll
Click HERE to view the pictures and cast your vote. An amazing instrumental track has been added to the gallery soundtrack. Crank it up to listen to Memory Crash by Steve Stevens.

The winning picture of Pete Morten has been added to the Gallery.

Click HERE to view the pictures and cast your vote.

Currently streaming is a new song by Altura, a Progressive Metal band from the States who I consider to be a lost gem of Progressive Metal. Visit the Gallery and click on STREAMING to hear the song Alternate Lines.

The winning picture of Gus G. (Firewind) has been added to the Gallery.
I actually meant a new song being played on the website replacing Steve Stevens' Memory Crash. Sorry for sounding ambiguous!

I actually thought it could be "new" in that way after posting and closing the browser window, so I left my message as it was :p

Altura are an exaggerated version of Dream Theater (Images and Words era) and you have to be heavily addicted to that ablum to like them :D
Altura's Mercy was one of the very first prog metal albums I bought (in the grand scheme of things) in 1997 and it didn't click at all with me. The songs tended to change gear quite a lot that I couldn't 'get in to' them. If my memory serves me right, it was only the instrumental that struck me, and yes they do sound very much like early DT.
well, despite its complexity, images and words is somehow "catchy" - that's what made dream theater so popular, actually, and what bands like altura lack.

I humbly agree and a hook is on the whole a very important part of music for me. Bands can be as technical as they like, but if there is a lack of hooks and/or good melodies (much more so in progressive rock/metal) then there is something lacking for me anyway. Bands like DT, Symphony X, Threshold, Ayreon, Vanden Plas and the bigger names in prog metal for instance know how to write big hooks, without diluting the music.
What I meant is that I like the whole album. I find all the songs are catchy as I can grasp and 'understand' the melodies in the songs...yes there are melodies! How about The Calling, Horizons Fade or Alternate Lines. After all that album is not meant to be easy listening given that I would equate them to be the Progressive Metal man's Alice In Chains.

I can appreciate some not liking the band because there are a lot of breaks and abrupt time signature changes in the songs but I feel that the melodies are strong enough to keep everything together. Having said that I feel that they have not gone OTT as Altura have not sacrificed their songs on the altar of technical wizardry!

These just in from the flamboyant Yngwie Malmsteen gig in London. Click HERE to view the pictures and cast your vote.

Currently streaming is an extended version of 'Making Love' by Yngwie Malmsteen. Visit the Gallery and click on STREAMING to hear the song.

The winning picture of Jim Matheos (Fates Warning) has been added to the Gallery.