Games & Metal


Jun 1, 2009
Yeah, yeah I know a similiar topic was already created a while ago but I wanted to create a thread were you could post your playlists that you use when you`re playing games, if you like to listen to some tunes while playing.

It may or may not include Symp X, you choose,
anyway, here are some:

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic(mostly heavy tunes, awesome when fighting cyclops):
Walls of Babylon
The Damnation Game
King of Terrors
Accolade I and II
The turning
and some blind guardian

Soul Reaver series:
The Damnation Game(the whole album goes well with the game)
Orion The Hunter
Smoke and Mirrors
S/T --> not the best but probably the one that fits best

Devil May Cry 3(I replaced the original songs):
King of Terrors
The turning
Set the world on Fire
Of sins & shadows
Legion(hammerfall) --> for the cerberus boss
The edge of forever --> ambient
No leaf Clover(Metallica) --> bosses

I wonder how SX sounds with Shadow of the Colossus, anyone tried it?

Anyway, why don`t you make your own playlists and post :kickass:
Hmm, I don't game much anymore but I usually go for Gamma Ray or Maiden. Maybe something a little more suitably boring for RPGs.

Although I remember, when I got the Odyssey, I'd play it on repeat while playing Paper Mario 2, so I now subconsciously associate the two. Every time I see that game's graphics I think " the left and to the right..." God I'm such a faggot. the left and to the right...

Anyone up for a SX/super mario crossover? I imagine the odyssey with new lyrics based on super mario...

or maybe the odyssey`s lyrics are actually reffering to mario`s quest?


btw, you listen to gamma ray with what?
King of Terrors used to be my Zerg theme on Starcraft :p
Walls of Babylon - Storming wintergrasp keep in wow
DWoT Album - Always played this while playing Skies of Arcadia Legends
Accolade 1 + 2, playing siegfried in Soulcalibur

lazy, these are just random, guess I'll upgrade the list when I'm not so tired.
King of Terrors used to be my Zerg theme on Starcraft :p
Walls of Babylon - Storming wintergrasp keep in wow
DWoT Album - Always played this while playing Skies of Arcadia Legends
Accolade 1 + 2, playing siegfried in Soulcalibur

lazy, these are just random, guess I'll upgrade the list when I'm not so tired.

lol, I used to play DWOT all time when playing dc, especially unreal tournament and vanishing point tough they have nothing to do with SX.

I have Soul Calibur so I should try that
I usually play Through the looking Glass, Odyssey, or DWoT when playing call of duty

not for mental connection, but so I don't have to be interrupted to change the song XD
I listen to death metal and IDM while playing Go. does this count?

This is sort of off-topic, but what's a good starting IDM record? I keep hearing people loving on the genre, and now I'm curious as to what all the commotion is.

btw, you listen to gamma ray with what?

Action/platformer stuff, most recently Dante's heh, don't kill me.
Although I remember, when I got the Odyssey, I'd play it on repeat while playing Paper Mario 2, so I now subconsciously associate the two. Every time I see that game's graphics I think " the left and to the right..." God I'm such a faggot.

I know exactly what you mean. I haven't "gamed" in forever, but if I ever see a game of Counter-Strike or Soldier of Fortune II, I will subconsciously relate it to all of Megadeth's "Countdown to Extinction" and Armored Saint's "Revelation."
Although I don't listen to non-game music while gaming, as a huge Resident Evil fan I have equated many Symphony X (and other metal) songs to various Resident Evil games. I'm not sure why, as the lyrics don't really fit, but I guess it's more about the music.

RE0 - Wicked, Orion, Relic
RE1 (remake on Gamecube) - Accolade II, Awakenings
RE3 - Through the Looking Glass
RE4 - All of Opeth's "Damnation" album reminds me quite a bit of the village area
Code Veronica - TDWOT
This is sort of off-topic, but what's a good starting IDM record? I keep hearing people loving on the genre, and now I'm curious as to what all the commotion is.
Oh man!!

I would recommend (and these are all different):

1. Ulver - Perdition City
2. The Future Sound Of London - My Kingdom, Papua New Guinea, or From The Archives Vol 5.
3. Redshift - Toll
4. Aphex Twin - Chosen Lords
I have just recently noticed while playing half life 2 death match and other deathmatch games like it that when there is industrial metal bands like( not something I'm in to ) rammstein and stuff like that it really goes well with those kinds of games for some reason i really get into the game play even more.
I listen to Ulver - Perdition City a lot while playing sj3 (a dos based ski jumping game... Yeaahhh)... I also have a bunch of stuff in GTA San Andreas custom radio channel like Devin Townsend, Symphony X, Gösta Berlings Saga, Opeth etc.

But I really don't usually listen to music with games that already have music/sound. The exceptions are games with real shitty soundtracks like EA games such as Burnout or SSX or whatever. Used to play those quite a bit with Paradise Lost on actually.

But keeperxiii, why would anyone want to change the music of Shadow of the Colossus? That game has a fantastic soundtrack.

Almost forgot... I listen to Devin's Ziltoid The Omniscient or Infinity whenever I play Star Craft online...

Think that's about it. Don't game too much these days (no money for the new consoles and my pc isn't good enough for the latest stuff either)
Oh man!!

I would recommend (and these are all different):

1. Ulver - Perdition City
2. The Future Sound Of London - My Kingdom, Papua New Guinea, or From The Archives Vol 5.
3. Redshift - Toll
4. Aphex Twin - Chosen Lords

Thanks. I think I'll start with Aphex Twin, since it's the only artist on the list I've heard before.
But I really don't usually listen to music with games that already have music/sound. The exceptions are games with real shitty soundtracks like EA games such as Burnout or SSX or whatever. Used to play those quite a bit with Paradise Lost on actually.

But keeperxiii, why would anyone want to change the music of Shadow of the Colossus? That game has a fantastic soundtrack.

Dont even get me started on the burnout paradise soundtrack...

and btw, I love that soundtrack, but symp x or stratovarius would work wonders with that game too
They are probably the most representative too. A couple of the others are fringe. FSOL is solidly under IDM though.

Well I can't say my attempts at getting into IDM have been successful. I think a lifetime of listening to rock may have alienated electronic music from me somewhat. I tried a couple other well-known artists like Venetian Snares, but I dunno, it's not clicking. I must admit, I find the idea of this "glitch" music nonsense wildly interesting, though, so that's next. :heh:

Also, the ultimate IDM, if you think you can handle it:

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a bit too unformed for my taste, but i see your point :lol:

FSOL can really range. There's a world of difference between Peppermint Tree and Dead Cities or Cascade