Garden Of Decay - Merksplas


May 5, 2003
the third of april, there will be a Garden Of Decay gig (Thortyir 's band) at JH Zigzag (the same 'venue' as were Breaklose played in december)

other bands are
Willows Whisper
Horny Moses

more information about hours, poster, price,.. will be posted soon

see ya there?

they were second in the Belgium Metal Underground Contest, and it's always a great party if they play.

our man Quentin his band

songs can be listened at all sites!
april 3th at JH Zigzag - Merksplas Belgium
alright you belgium and holland metalhead, the thirth of april is it metalnight again at JH Zigzag :headbang:

alright, just a reminder for bastet

it's this saterday, if you people don't have any plans and you make it merksplas (belgium) do it! you won't regret


if you wanne come just send me a priv mess and i'll send a map, so you won't get lost.
hmm, you missed some nice gigs here, maybe the next time.

btw, you can see them in paris too, before the anathemagig :D
Hey everybody, it was fuckin' ace yesterday! Hot as hell, but we got some Westmalle on board, so no problem! ;)
I was very happy to see Pieter, Althea (sorry, you have such a difficult name to remember :p) & Dries... It's been a while mates!
The gigs went great, and I particulary enjoyed singing "Balls to the wall" with Horny Moses in front of a singing along audience, awesome!
Thank you so much to all our friends & to the Zigzag crew for making this terrible night possible!
And Irene, no problem for that one, I guess we're on the way to play @ Metal at the attic in Turnhout once again, but with a higher place on the bill! :headbang: