Gates of Winter...

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
this was posted on the Woods of Ypres forum by a member of Gates of Winter


if u like this - please buy it at
we're leaving this one up to the music lovers!
the package includes a full colour 12 page booklet w/ lyrics and original artwork!

enjoy guys!"

I'm listening now, and this is REALLY cool stuff. It should please fans of powery music, as well as the darker. Vocals remind me of Matt Barlow. there are also some harsher vocals in there, as well.
Woods of Ypres was a letdown for me. There was a small amount of hype behind this band and after listening to the CD a few times, nothing really stood out. It wasnt bad, but just not living up to all the hype. The vocals sounded way to forced.