Gay gay gay gay gay!


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
This is impossibly gay.

Cut 'n' pasted from some shit pretentious weblog noone cares about:

"My wife and I attend New Hope Church, just a few blocks from our house. The notion of "attending" church makes me cringe, as does using the word "church" to describe a place or building. Anyway, that's what I did yesterday morning.

In a slight departure from a typical Sunday morning, the band started off by playing a few Metallica songs (quite well, I might add) -- Enter Sandman, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Nothing Else Matters, and one more. After the music, pastor John Van Sloten talked about heavy metal, anger, and how it relates to the world around us.

Here's the sermon in streaming MP3:"

"Nothing Else Matters" in a laughable version by a church band (clip #8) and some pastor overanalyzing Metallica from a "Christian" (I don't think that those new shit American churches should be called "Christian") perspective.

Holy shit, a church embracing HEVY METAL music, I might have to go convert to Christianity now just because they're so fucking hip and cool and down with teh hevvy shit!!!!!!!!1
For some reason, UM is the only website I can access right now, so I can't check out that link.

Is the pastor embracing heavy metal, or is he saying it's a bad thing?
I'd consider going church if they had a band playing Helloween and M.S.G. covers and shit like that...hmmm...maybe I should talk to the bastards up the road... :err:
Religious propaganda is cool. Gotta get the youth of today in there somehow I guess.

Somewhat related: last week Momz and I were driving around town and this lady behind me kept weaving in and out of traffic practically running us and others off the road, we both grumbled "bah, she's probably going to Harvest," the GIGANTIC church down the street from me. Yep, pulled right in line behind thousands of other good Christians. :Smug:
It's modern-day Metallica, what do you expect? They're gonna play some P.O.D. and Stryper later.
from the top of my head...

Pride you took
Pride you steal
Pride that you felt when you'd kneel
Trust you gave
a child to save
Left you cold and him in grave.

blah blah lblah
broken is the promise, betrayal
the healing hand held back by the deepened nail
follow the god that failed.

shitty song, ant-christian lyrics.
I like that Metallica song. Then again the black album was my CD evAr, so I must be teh gehieehgh.