

Jul 15, 2003
Sydney, 'Straya
Visit site
Hi everyone,

I'm from Sydney in Australia.
19 yo.

...and I love music.

I've been on forums before, so there's no need to let me know the etiquette or anything :)

You may be seeing me around here a little bit - so here's some general info about me:

Bands I like: Tool, Metallica, Fear Factory, Borknagar, Dead Can Dance, Nightwish, Rammstein, Blind Guardian, Arcturus, Therion, Lacuna Coil, Evanescence, Dimmu Borgir... and probably a few others I've either forgotten about.

What do I do?
I sell, and manage the service of industrial pressure cleaners [yep - bigarse water pistols that could cut you in half {that's not a joke either... they're friggin' powerful}].

I drive manual.

I'm going for my motorcycle license real soon.

Errr... my avatar pic was made by a Lightwave guru I know, and I animated it myself.

Hmmm, what else [?]... nup, I dunno. I'm sure you'll get to know me a bit better as time goes on - this is just a post to say "Hi" :)

See you 'round.
Thanks all.

Nice to be welcomed.
Judging by what I've seen so far of these forums it's filled with pretty cool people who know their music... the wanker factor is low - swish :)