

New Metal Member
Aug 30, 2006
Hi everyone.
I'm Pat, and live in Australia. I'm hoping to learn more about metal by visiting these forums, and hopefully getting to know some of its inhabitants. I'm into most kinds of metal, particularly death.
Wow umm cool. Hello and nice to meet you. I love death metal. Top 10 bands? Metallica is a good band if your trying to discover something new about metal. Stay away from anybody like Grimace who talks about D,rugs. They suck badly. The girls here are good though.
My top 10 bands would probably be something along the lines of:
1. Nevermore.
2. Dream Theater.
3. Cryptopsy.
4. Nile.
5. Necrophagist.
6. Arsis.
7. Death.
8. Behemoth.
9. Graveworm.
10. Psycroptic.
Just out of interest, are you the same Blue Jay from AMF?
I'm Aussyguy... And you're actually showing some metal knowledge on these forums. Why is it that you weren't as active at AMF, and why is it that you don't seem as much of an ignorant fanboy here?
Because nobody has yet to diss me hard yet on In Flames. I am still a big fanboy of In Flames. And also I show the same activity here as I did at AMF. Hardly as many people were posting at AMF though sadly. I'll attempt to unban myself in the future when I don't feel lazy. Lately I have been feeling lazy so yea... that's why I haven't been trying to attempt to get in there.
happyman said:
My top 10 bands would probably be something along the lines of:
1. Nevermore.
2. Dream Theater.
3. Cryptopsy.
4. Nile.
5. Necrophagist.
6. Arsis.
7. Death.
8. Behemoth.
9. Graveworm.
10. Psycroptic.
Just out of interest, are you the same Blue Jay from AMF?

Hmmm, seems like some DM just for the love of DM wankery.....lol Though I do love Death, Nevermore, Behemoth, and Psycroptic, Nile's alright too. :)

Welcome though, enjoy your stay. :)