Gear Rental Rates? any idea?!


Jun 13, 2007
I've got a project coming up soon that I'd really like to rent a better signal chain for the vocals and maybe guitars.

I'm thinking somthing like a nice vocal mic- ak 414, u87 somthing like that, a nice hardware comp and then a nice pre/converter/interface.
See I'm using presonus firepods and while I'm happy enough to use them for Drums and Bass I'd really like to elevate this recording up a level.
I figure I can always use the nice pre and comp to sample the kit too while I'd have it for some sample blending.

Thing is I haven't a clue what kinda money I'd be looking at for renting this quality gear for a weekend. Any idea what kind of cash I'd be talking. Obviously it's gonna vary from place to place but even a ballpark figure would be handy to know.
I've got a figure in my head that might be way off and if it goes over it I'll just have to go with what I have
If you know anyone with good gear see if you can borrow from them first before going to a proper rental company - Im able to get some wicked gear over here from mates and people Ive met through others for cheap, or even for a box of beers!
Mics: expect like $30-$50 a day for the mics you mentioned.
Preamps: expect like $50 to $200 a day depending on what you want (old neves and vintage shit costs more).
Compressors: Same as preamps. A dbx will run you pretty cheap, but something like a manley vox box will be up over a $100 a day.

Also: Most places have a min amount of days you have to rent this stuff due to shipping.

Check out
Only people I know with this kinda gear is my college and they're nazis about taking gear out, I'd probably get eaten alive for borrowing amic stand!
Plus they'll be shut for the summer so no go on the gear borrowing front.
Thing with this is, if it goes much beyond 200-250 euro for a weekend it would be just as cost effective to go to a studio elsewhere and do it