Gear thread


Shite name.
Sep 10, 2008
Leicester, UK
(Sorry if this has been done before on the Evile forums, I'm a nub)

I've noticed that a lot of you guys on here play instruments (as is common with a lot of metal communities), so I thought I'd create a chance for you to show them off (bonus internet cookies for pics)

Here's my stuff (soz about crappy pic quality):


Trace Elliot GP7SM 130/BLX 130
May look small, but I've played an 1000 seater venue with this and it was the loudest thing there. Love it, anyone familiar with bass willl know how awesome Trace Elliots are. I might get another cab for it if I ever get enough monies, would ideally only want like a 112 but they are really expensive, so I'd have to get a 115 probably.


Marshall MB15
Fun little bass amp that is also used as my room's speaker system for playing music


Washburn XB125 5 string bass
Love it.


Westone Thunder Jet Bass
Noice vintage Precision style bass

I also have a crappy acoustic guitar that I've had since I was 7, but I cba to take pictures of it
Yep. This is kerry kings signature amp so theres been added a few extra knobs to get the metal distortion you need. There's a "beast" button that triggers what Kerry has added to the amp - a Gate knob to quiet feedback and an Assault knob which is really is just pure gain. So with this I dont need any distortion pedals, in which Im a big fan of.

Vintage something, Gibson Flying V and The Sword

Gibson SG, homemade spanish guitar, Orange Rockerverb 50, Alesis Midiverb 4 and 4x12

Plywood 30 year old guitar found in a skip :D

Headstock on the sword.

Thats a Les Paul studio but its at me dads house.
Got a Whammy pedal and Original cry baby.

Vintage something, Gibson Flying V and The Sword

Gibson SG, homemade spanish guitar, Orange Rockerverb 50, Alesis Midiverb 4 and 4x12

Plywood 30 year old guitar found in a skip :D

Headstock on the sword.

Thats a Les Paul studio but its at me dads house.
Got a Whammy pedal and Original cry baby.

Oh my, that's quite a collection!

How did you afford all that?
no pics right now but

Dean VMNT 1
Jackson DK2M custom
Epiphone Explorer

Engl Powerball
Marshall 1960A

no effects, just loud! :kickass:
My cousins dad has quite a collection. Like 15-20 Guitars and a bunch of amps and a few pedals. He's quite good as a guitar player so it's only natural:p

Gonna upload my setup soon
i actually have a jcm 800 i want rid of and also a boss gt-10 that i never use. i cant get on with effects anymore. I used to run overdrive through my 800 with a little reverb and now its just plug and play with the powerball. setting up for gigs etc is the best haha, stick the amp on the cab, let it warm up and WHAM! your good to go, none of this running wires through here, into that, via this blah blah blah, im mega useless with all that and i usually ended up with a bag of birdsnested cables
now its just plug and play with the powerball. setting up for gigs etc is the best haha, stick the amp on the cab, let it warm up and WHAM! your good to go, none of this running wires through here, into that, via this blah blah blah, im mega useless with all that and i usually ended up with a bag of birdsnested cables

It is a much better way. I hate having to remember to actually USE the pedals. I bought good cables instead and they do actually make the sound better and brighter but £50 for 3m is alot.

My full set up


BC Rich Warlock guitar


Ibanez Standard bass guitar, headphones and shoulder strap


Samick Bass Amp and Korg Tuner


Line 6 Spider III Guitar Amp


Red picks = Heavy
Green and fat picks = Medium
Black pick = Extra Heavy
White pick = Evile pick


My pimped up radio with my iPod playing Infected Nations:cool:

EDIT: Upload fail...

EDIT EDIT: It's "EDIT", not "Edit" and upload fixx
Epiphone g-400 Goth Series
Epiphone AJ200
Marshall MG-100HDFX Head
Marshall MG 412 Cabinet
Dunlop Crybaby from Hell
Digitech Whammy (IV)
MXR EVH Phase 90

L -> R: '94 Charvel Predator, '09 Jackson SL2H, '77 Ibanez LP Custom.

Amp: Vox AD30VT
Crate Cab is empty
Pedals: Pearl DS-06, Ibanez Metal Screamer (MSL)
Other: BOSS Micro BR
Schecter Blackjack C-7
Squier Stratocaster
Stagg shitty bass guitar
Yamaha DTXplorer
Vox AD100 VT
London City crappy bass amp
Harley Benton steel string acoustic
crappy cheapo nylon string acoustic
Harmonica in D
Line 6 toneport Ux1
Schecter Blackjack C-7
Squier Stratocaster
Stagg shitty bass guitar
Satans Ukelele
Yamaha DTXplorer
Vox AD100 VT
London City crappy bass amp
Harley Benton steel string acoustic
crappy cheapo nylon string acoustic
Harmonica in D
Line 6 toneport Ux1


BTW, I forgot my trumpet, keyboard and harmonica:( May add them tomorrow