Gears of War

Sunday 14 - Anytime
Monday 15 - Off All Day
Tuesday 16 - After 11pm
Wednesday 17 - After 10pm
Thursday 18 - After 3pm
Friday 19 - After 11pm
Saturday 20 - Off All Day
Sunday 21 - Off All Day
alright bear be on today around 5-6 pm today (monday). we'll finish up that lame ass uv light level on co-op if no one is on for some deathmatch.
we'll have to play some time after school this semester (if ur goin?)

Yeah, I'm taking 15 credits this semester. That's why my hours are so fucking crazy during the week. But yeah, Jack, we need to beat the game on Insane.
mish and i will have to talk to u about squeezing in some death, mayhem, and destruction some time