GENE SIMMONS: ACE FREHLEY And PETER CRISS 'No Longer Deserve To Wear The Paint'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Forty years after the release of the band's debut album, KISS has finally made the cover of Rolling Stone. Marking the band's upcoming induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, the cover image is a classic 1975 photo of the band's original lineup: Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, along with now-former members Ace Frehley and Peter Criss.A few excerpts from the story follow below.On the relationship with Frehley and Criss:Gene Simmons: "I keep thinking about Ace and Peter. What are they doing now? Where are they? It's gotta be close to the end. How do you make any money? How do you pay your bills?"On the relationship between Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley:Stanley: "We've always seen each other as brothers. What we seem to be at odds at is how you treat your brother. Gene's priority, by far, has always been himself. And he's not one to let anyone else's feelings or contributions get in the way."On Stanley and Simmons' offer to allow the former members to jam with KISS' current lineup, featuring guitarist Tommy Thayer and drummer Eric Singer, at the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame ceremony:Criss: "I won't be disrespected. How can you put me in the Hall Of Fame and then tell me to go sit over there in the corner while another guy puts on my makeup and plays? That's an injustice. To the fans, too."Frehley: "The reason they don't want to perform with me and Peter is because the last time they did, they had to do a reunion tour. We play three songs, the fans go crazy. They don't want to open up a can of worms."On Simmons and Stanley's decision to have the rest of the current KISS lineup —Thayer and Singer — dress up as Criss' and Frehley's respective "Spaceman" and "Catman" personas (designs owned by Simmons and Stanley):Simmons: "[Frehley and Criss] no longer deserve to wear the paint. The makeup is earned. Just being there at the beginning is not enough… And if you blow it for yourself, it's your fault. You can't blame your band members. 'Oh, look what happened to me. Oh, poor me.' Look at my little violin. I have no sympathy."On how much longer KISS plans to tour:Simmons: "I'm 64 now. Three more tours. Two, if I have a life change of some kind."
