Gene Simmons-Asshole 2004


Gene Simmons-Asshole
Sanctuary Records 2004


I had my reservations about picking up this record, I was teased by a couple of samples, I had heard & was hooked into buying. Would I regret it?Well, for starters, I wasn't expecting a solid record, solo records typically aren't that way. A prime example of this is David Lee Roth, he hasn't ever released a fair solo record, ever. I went into this with low expectations, but with open ears. Asshole has it's fair share of stinkers on it, but it's also has it's share memorable moments too. Gene Simmons never known for his ability to nail any high notes, is just what anyone who has heard him sing, would expect. I will however, add that he sounds just like he did back in 1978 when he issued his first solo record, he's consistent. I don't think you could say that about his peers, that are still around today. Among the musicians lending a helping to Gene are, Dave Navarro(Jane's Addiction), Bruce Kulick(KISS, Grand Funk Railroad), Eric Singer(Badlands, Black Sabbath, KISS, Alice Cooper), Ritchie Kotzen(Poison, Mr. Big) & just about ever member of Frank Zappa's family. In my opinion, the stand out tracks on this record are "Sweet & Dirty Love," "Firestarter," "Asshole," "Black Tongue," & "Dog." "Dog" has this kind of Harry Nilsson vibe to it, will remind you of "You're Breaking My Heart." And if you figured you'd get off without hearing a track that sounds like The Beatles? There's "Now You're Gone," it's got Beatles written all over it. "Waiting for the Morning Light" was co-written with Bob Dylan, an odd pair that you'd never think would ever collaberate together, but it was a success. If you listen closely to the title track, there's a part in the bassline where, Simmons clearly ripped it from the song "Wild Thing." The guitars on that tracks sound like they could have been taken from a Lit or Sponge record. Clearly Gene is not afraid to take any risks & isn't afraid to borrow from what has once worker before. The record for what it's worth, appears to have been a blast for Gene to record & it shows throughout. So the question you might be asking, "is there anything on here that's ground breaking?" The answer is "no." This disc would obviously appeal to the 30 plus year olds, that where once members of the KISS Army. If this record is marketed correctly, it could reach a wider audience, though with Sanctauary Records' track record, I think Gene better use his own money bags to give this record a push.

1.) Sweat & Dirty Love-:worship:
2.) Firestarter-:Spin:
3.) Weapons of Mass Destruction-:ill:
4.) Waiting for the Morning-:Spin:
5.) Beautiful-:erk:
6.) Asshole-:worship:
7.) Now You're Gone-:worship:
8.) Whatever Turns You On-:yuk:
9.) Dog-:worship:
10.) Black Tongue-:worship:
11.) Carnival of Souls-:yuk:
12.) If I Had A Gun-:worship:
13.) 1,000 Dreams-:worship: