Gene Simmons Asshole 2004

sixxswine said:
Thanks, I would recommend this only to the Die Hards...

Cool review Sixx, but to me Gene is the bass player for Kiss who got lucky with a few cool songs. In fact, Trix and I are dead on in Kiss taste. I like 80's Kiss the best with Pauls singing (except I like Kulick as opposed to Vincent.) More often than not gene takes up filler room on Kiss discs, so I'll pass on his release. Having said that, though I am not really a huge Kiss fan, when Paul does decide to really let loose, he can sing his balls off. If he puts out a solo, I might be interested in that one.

I also prefer the Bruce era over the Vincent era actually. Vinnie Vincent Invasion just happens to be my all-time favourite album though which is why I always like to pay tribute to the man!

Totally agree on Gene taking up room with filler too. And I'm not at all interested in his solo album.

Paul however has one coming out later in the year. That should be interesting. Have you heard a song KISS demoed in 1986/87 called "Time Traveller"? If not you really should! It's a Paul Stanley/Desmond Child song (maybe Jean Beauvior too?) and Paul sings his nuts off like in I'll Fight Hell To Hold You and it has one of the best choruses KISS ever recorded! It's probably in my top 10 KISS songs ever!
Nice review! That seems like a good fair, open minded review which I know I couldnt give because I'm quite biased against Gene and I don't think the varied styles on the album would go down well with me either.
Trixxi Trash said:
Nice review! That seems like a good fair, open minded review which I know I couldnt give because I'm quite biased against Gene and I don't think the varied styles on the album would go down well with me either.
I would recommend you pick this up & hear it for yourself.
50% of the record is good, you'll have to wade through some absolute shit though. Bryant avoid this one at all costs, I agree you probably wouldn't dig it.