General Surgery - Left Hand Pathology

General Surgery - Left Hand Pathology
Listenable - POSH082 - 28/03/06
By Sam Brokenshaw


Usually, I'd be the first to get on a bands back for generally (haw haw) being a gigantic rip-off of someone other than themselves. However, with General Surgery the case is a little different. The band clearly state something along the lines of, "We worship Carcass! Woo!" Ahem. The results of this blatant brown nosing are actually rather pleasing, contrary to preconceptions. I mean, lets face it. 80% of grindcore bands towards the gore end of the spectrum are in fact doing the same thing, albeit rather less honestly. General Surgery grind their way through fourteen blood-spattered tracks of rather head bang-worthy material resulting in nothing really standing out too much, but a consistent and fun ride can be had with minimal effort. Left Hand Pathology really sticks in the mind as an effort that demands respect for doing what it says on the tin, with a minimum of fuss and some rather mosh-tastic morsels to chew on.

One great thing about grind in general is the sheer hilarity inherent in the song titles. General Surgery don't skimp in this department, providing such gems as; The League of Extraordinary Grave Robbers, Cold Storage Fever, and my personal favourite, Mortuary Wars. This underlines one of the often overlooked fundamentals of doing gore metal the correct way; to actually have a sense of humour! In conclusion, General Surgery get two solid thumbs up, offering up a solid to good album of ass-kicking (un)pleasent aural carnage, and mostly importantly making it fun!


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official General Surgery Website
Official ListenableWebsite
Nice review there, monsieur!

Makes me want to listen to it.

You really made it sound worthwhile.

Plus, Carcass kicks a good bit of ass themselves. :)