General Zod joins the ranks


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
An update:

General Zod (aka Greg) is joining RC as a full time staffer. Zod's been around the metal scene for a long while, and he'll specialize in all things traditional/power/prog with some of his favourite bands being Nevermore, Evergrey, Iced Earth, and Zero Hour. He's based out of the NJ/NY area.

Superman is dead. Long live Zod!
Erik said:
Cool. Though I had no prior idea this would happen, this is neat news and I welcome Zod to teh ranks.
Yeah my fault, but I asked him yesterday via e-mail and announced it today. It was all a bit quick, even though the two of us chatted about this over a beer down at ProgPower. As you can see, I still need to set him up on the About Us page.

I've also already got a stack of promos going his way just because our backlog needs some serious managing!
Huuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu huh uh uh uhhuhuhuhuhuhu h.... log.

Which is ironic since that's where some of the promos end up now. Gosh, I'm really impressed that Nuclear Blast have signed Agnostic Front. Can't wait for that tour with Sonata Arctica. :loco:
Demonspell said:
Welcome to the staff, and watch those useless promos pile up. :) Any idea what albums you intend to tackle first?

I know Opeth's "Blackwater Park" is on the list. Jay said it was an initiation of sorts. There were roughly 7 others that he put on my list, but I only recall the new Fates Warning.

Funnily enough, I'd been wondering what happened to all the trad./power reviews that used to pop up. If Zod can redress the balance, brown bread!
Funnily enough, I'd been wondering what happened to all the trad./power reviews that used to pop up. If Zod can redress the balance, brown bread!