Genius Opera Trilogy?


Nov 17, 2003
Youngsville, NC
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Anyone have this? I was surfing for something and came across it by accident the other day. Just curious if anyone has heard it. Some big names on the list of singers. Jorn Lande, Daniel Gildenlow, Russell Allen, DC Cooper....etc.:OMG:
I have parts 1 and 2 and I love them both. Excellent prog-metal-opera. I like Part 1 a little better, mainly because it has Chris Boltendahl (Grave Digger) and Lana Lane on it. I've been meaning to get Part 3, just haven't got around to it yet. I haven't listened to them in a while, after reading this thread I want to go listen to them again!:headbang:
Part 1 was so bad that I gave it away (actually gave it to Mike Romeo cuz he was curious what Russell was getting involved in by agreeing to be on Part 2); couldn't bring myself to listen to any more (and from what most folks have said, I didn't miss a thing). Just horrid.
I have all three, admittedly it took awhile for the first to grow on me, but when you combine all three it is really pretty good.
The horrendous and constant voiceovers ruin this for me. It never lets you listen to the music in peace. The concept and lyrics were pretty bad as well (and I usually like this kind of music).

Steve in Philly
Met-Al has all three. I know he likes them. He had me listen to the first one, and I wasn't nearly as impressed as he'd hoped. In fact, I wasn't impressed at all.

The trilogy is, indeed, not for everyone.
I didn't even know they released a second and third one, because if it was me, I wouldn't even have released the first one. Daniel and D.C. are 2 of my fav singers and I was expecting something at least somewhat good, and it was crap musically and just did nothing for me. I will just stick with Ayreon for my rock/metal operas, because I don't think anybody else can touch him.
I didn't even know they released a second and third one, because if it was me, I wouldn't even have released the first one. Daniel and D.C. are 2 of my fav singers and I was expecting something at least somewhat good, and it was crap musically and just did nothing for me. I will just stick with Ayreon for my rock/metal operas, because I don't think anybody else can touch him.

Part 1 was so bad that I gave it away (actually gave it to Mike Romeo cuz he was curious what Russell was getting involved in by agreeing to be on Part 2); couldn't bring myself to listen to any more (and from what most folks have said, I didn't miss a thing). Just horrid.

As bad as Reotardo, The Absolute Gland?:lol:
It's just proof that even the most talented musicians cannot save craptastic content. I feel bad for the musicians whose names are forever attached to this train wreck.