Genius Rock Opera

OH Man, this concept looks like cheesy Power Metal, but I like Dragonforce and Rhapsody hahaha. By the way, it doesn't look quite as good as Ayreon. And the Ayreon covers are definitely AWESOME. The cover totally sucks and oh man, the names are not very sophsicated. I like my Rock Operas to be sophsicated, thank you very much.
You guys do realize you can scroll down to the bottom to hear samples, right?

So far it sounds pretty good.

I wonder why there was no announcements that Russ was working on this project.
Meh, the clips were not THAT GOOD. Maybe my liking for Russell has taken a tumble since I heard that hah:)

But its pretty good because of Gildenlow hahahahha, I just love the vibe of his voice.
Ok ok ok ok...................... so this story starts when "Genius", a SMART heavy metal drummer imagines an alarm clock beat played on a snare and thus falls into a sort of coma????? LAME. The dude who did the site needs to work on his english too.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
Meh, the clips were not THAT GOOD. Maybe my liking for Russell has taken a tumble since I heard that hah:)

But its pretty good because of Gildenlow hahahahha, I just love the vibe of his voice.

Maybe if MORE symphony X fans bought more CD's, then even the great singers wouldn't be forced to sing something that is less expected of them. Even singers have to make a living (especially in the PROG GENRE :Smug: ) Can't tell you how many times I hear everyone cry poverty! (and I'm not rich!)Underneath it all; it may not be his favorite thing either (I may have heard from a friend of a friend who knows the band). ;)
I've had this disc for a while and it didn't last more then a couple of plays. Maybe you guys will like it better. I'm surprised that it's being brought up now.


Are you serious? "a friend of a friend of the band" TOO FUNNY!
urinalcakemix said:
Its not THAT bad... at least when Russ is tearing up. It could be worse.

[off topic]

I find your sig amusing. I once saw on MTV (don't ask why I was wacthing MTV in the first place) a reality show with ozzy called "Road to Ozzfest" or something like that. I guess its like American Idol, but for metal heads. Anyways, all that I could think of while watching it was "why does metal have to be introduced into pop culture through these talentless, media whoring metal wannabe's." Most of the participants were growlers and I would honestly say that I would rather listen to rap than that mindless crap. My anger was intesified because their leader was the once great Ozzy.
