genocide or holocaust

whats worse genocide or a holocaust

  • genocide!!! duh!!! you dumb shit!!!

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • holocaust!!! my god you stupid fucker!!!

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • whats the difference???

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • either way i dont really give a shit whats done is done!!!

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • click it just for shits and giggles its a multiple choice poll.

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters
dude you are spaming waayyy too much... if you dont knock it off someone will probably report ya.... if ya want to get alot of posts do what i do and goto many fourms on UM you can build up posts fdoing that very quickly :)
there has never been a TOTAL genocide in human race. Even if a culture got TOTALLY fucked up, like south american Incas, they left some descendents, so it wasn't a genocide.

the killing of a race or nation, does not mean the total extinction of that race or nation. it simply means only that specific race or nation is being killed off. a total genocide can never exist!!!:p
Originally posted by anal cunt rules
a holocaust is the killing of millions of people.
a genocide is the systematic killing of whole peoples or nation
"holocaust" became the synonyme for the SYSTEMATIC KILLING of the JEWS...

genocide is the SYSTEMATIC KILLING of people who have the same religion, nationality or "race"

so, wasn't the holocaust a sort of genocide?
nahh a holocaust can be the killing of more than one race, nation, creed, ect.. liek in the 30's-40's the nazi partie didnt just kill jews there was jehovas, gipsies, unhailing aryans, negros, and anyone else that the nazi party deamed to be evil.
Originally posted by anal cunt rules
nahh a holocaust can be the killing of more than one race, nation, creed, ect..
just open up your dictionary... holocaust is the systematic killing of the jews in the 3rd reich

liek in the 30's-40's the nazi partie didnt just kill jews there was jehovas, gipsies, unhailing aryans, negros, and anyone else that the nazi party deamed to be evil.
yes, but mainly jews... the other fringe groups had been deported in such a small amount that this is almost negligible
open a text book!!! the other amounts where 3 million plus peoples. there where only 6 million jews. so either way you look at a holocaust its not the same as a genocide. it may have started that way. before other races and creeds wher thought as a threat but i am talking abotu the whole picture ther have been holocaust before genocides if you think of neaderthals humana wiped them out completely. its all there. in a text booki genocide and holocaust are different. check some text boox.
Just to clear this up (cause I am very good at English)

A holocaust is the extermination of a large group of people, usually by fire.

Genocide is the systematic extermination of people of a specific creed or race. This has only happened once in known history: what Hitler did to the Jews.

Surprisingly, anal cunt knows what he's talking about here... however, this is THE STUPIDEST THREAD EVER. You should delete it because you're embarrasing yourself every moment that it exists. It's especially stupid because you cannot judge which is worse except by specific examples. So find a holocaust and compare it to the deathtoll in world war II and then maybe this thread will have some intelligence to it (doubt it).
Originally posted by anal cunt rules
open a text book!!! the other amounts where 3 million plus peoples. there where only 6 million jews. so either way you look at a holocaust its not the same as a genocide.
man, i don't need a text book, we already spent one year at school with this subject, and in this compass we also vistited the dachau concentration camp. It may be, that i was wrong with the number of non-jews killed (or got worked to death) in concentration camps , but nevertheless, the concentration camp program was meant to exterminate mainly the jews. Sure, if anyone else tried to criticize the nazi regieme or attracted attention in a for the nazis negative way, he was put in a concentration camp.

and here, where i live, the holocaust is defined as a sort of genocide

it may have started that way.
nope, it stated the other way... first, concentration camps where meant to be some sort of prisons.
i don't need a text book, we already spent one year at school with this subject, and in this compass we also vistited the dachau concentration camp

big fucking deal you spent a year in skewl on the topic. you went to the camps. that dont mean shit.

i have spent the last 3 fucking years teaching myself the information. that and serial killers but not the point.

jews where the reason for camps. the camps were for the systematic killing of jews and other races creeds etc.. the aryan race is the only race that hitler was not killing off unless they didnt hail.:mad: :mad: :p :mad: :mad: :p :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by anal cunt rules

jews where the reason for camps. the camps were for the systematic killing of jews and other races creeds etc.. the aryan race is the only race that hitler was not killing off unless they didnt hail
hitler didn't say that the aryan race was the only race which won't get killed... he said, that the aryan race was born to rule the other, worthless races

he also said, that some races should stay alive for the purpose of working for the nazis.
but not the jews... jews where the most evil and most underdeveloped race, which had to get exterminated completeley.