genres you listen to regularly besides metal

What other genres of music do you listen to?

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zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
I know we've had these kind of "lulz wut uther muzic do u listen 2" threads before, but I thought it would be cool to have one with a little more structure. So check all the above that apply to you.

Note: do not just check genres that you "don't mind" or "sort of like". I want to see what people actually listen to. If it's a genre that you used to listen to a lot, but rarely do now, feel free to check it off as long as it's something you think you could easily get back into.

If I missed a genre that's important for anyone, sorry 'bout that. I'm already maxed out on the allowed number of poll options. :D
I'll just check indie for post-rock seeing as how closely linked the scenes are, plus I do like a good amount of indie rock bands anyways.

Also chose folk :eek: which I'm including neo-folk in so I guess I work fine with that as well.
As for me:

'60s/'70s prog rock
'60s/'70s hard rock
electronic dance
ambient/new age
video game soundtracks
IF you just check my cds it's like this pretty much(not sure of the exact numbers though):

- 200-250 Metal
- 150-180 Classical
- 25-50 Rock
- 25-50 Punk/Hardcore
- 10-15 Folk
mainly classical. just recently ive been looking into solo bass stuff like jeff schmidt. so i guess that puts jazz in there.
I haven't gotten into Classical much, although I'd like to at some point. I don't own any straight blues, reggae, folk or disco. I may have some 80s new wave , not sure. And I've got 1 cool video game soundtrack but I don't think that counts.

Apart from that, I listen to everything on that list.
i listen to alot of stuff that is weird. stuff like prince,brad paisely, depeche mode, john coltrane etc.