

Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
I'm not sure how many of you use Music Match Jukebox, but like many other CD/mp3 programs, whenever you insert a new CD, it searches the CCDB to get info on the album (such as artist and song titles.) If it doesn't find the album in it's database, it prompts you to enter the info yourself, which you then have the option of submitting it to the database for future users to benefit from.

The problem is that it asks you to choose a "genre" from a drop-down box. There are all sorts of categories to choose from, like "Blues", "Hip Hop", "Korean and Chinese pop", "Cajun", but there is no category for metal. What's up with that? I'm sorry, I just don't see Anthrax fitting into the category of "Pop/rock" any more than I see them fitting into the genre of "Jazz". So where do I put them? And are there honestly more people out there listening to "Cajun" music for it to warrant it's own category when metal doesn't get one for itself?

Sorry, just had to vent.
i have music match,not too much in the database lol,it never finds anything lol

ive got that much on my computer i dont have the time to sort it all out!
I too have Musicmatch Jukebox but I've only had my new PC for 2 weeks so I 'm not too familiar with it other than it plays mp3's and CD like previoulsy stated. Any insight other than N.F.F's?? Not that I'm knockin N.F.F, just seein what the concensus is on this jukebox deal.