
Jul 31, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Anybody tried it? I have to play live with it next month. I dont have the chance to try, but does anybody have some pointers about a good heavy thrash settings?

i was really looking forward to that amp coming out till i played it. i found it hard to get a real heavy tone out of. im sure it can be done but i didnt spend much time with it.
got the EMGs and the tubscreamer, but no boss.. but ill crank the gain to 11 on channel three, no mids, cranked bass and treble.. (kidding..)
I actually have played through the El Diablo 100 a while back at the local music shop, come to think of it. The staff kept referring to it as the "Genzy" and for some bizzarre reason they love it. I was very unimpressed, it's undergained, kind of floppy sounding, probably the worst tube amp I've ever played. If you really want to be safe, run a POD XT through the clean channel on this one. Seriously...
I was about to ask the same thing. My band is playing at Emergenza too (on Valentines Day none the less). It looks like we'll be bringing our PODs to the show then.

I'd like to know how i goes for you, the ones in my area here in the US have been shit the past 2 years or so. it went from the finals at a 1000 seat venue to Club Diablo with out 13' square stage...

I really don't know what to say, i just felt like something was missing when i played thru it. and there's only 3 preamp tubes, so i have the feeling there's more transistors than a tube amp fan would care for...

I used my RR1 with 81+85s and it was boring, go figure
yes, its the emerganca. Pod xt? hmm.. every time ive tried it live, the other tube amp just cruched my sound! but nothing is worst than a undergained floppy amp! it was exactly that i was afraid of.. Maybe ill try my recto path live then..