George Romero's - Land of the Dead - New Zombie Flick!


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth
Checking out the latest screenplays that have been sold in La LA Land and I came across this!

Title: Land of the Dead
Log Line: Zombies have taken over the world. Those left alive are confined to a walled-in city that keeps out the zombies out. Anarchy rules the streets, with the wealthy insulated and living in fortified skyscrapers. A group of scavengers must thwart an attempt to overthrow the city while the dead are evolving from brainless slow-moving creatures into more advanced creatures.
Writer: George Romero
Agent: n/a
Buyer: Atmosphere Entertainment and Wild Bunch (Paris)
Price: n/a
Genre: Horror
Logged: 7/15/04
More: Sequel to Romero's "Dead" series. Atmosphere Entertainment's Mark Canton & Bernie Goldmann and Romero Grunwald Productions' Peter Grunwald will produce. George Romero will direct. Atmosphere Entertainment's Steve Barnett will executive produce.

HOLY SHIT!!! This has got to be awesome. :worship:
That's not a bad concept actually. I never thought what the next stage would be, but it sounds like this is going to be "Day of the Dead" meets "Escape from New York".

I'm just waiting for the DVD release of the British-made, "Shaun of the Dead". Supposed to be brilliantly funny - great reviews coming out for it.

Hmmm, feels good to be talking Zombies again....

I recently won "Undead" on DVD from eBay (Australian flick), so I will check that out this weekend.

Lucio Fulci's Zombi 2 should be out on DVD any day now - 2 disc version, supposed to be the definitive print. (I've already got the uncut regular version if anyone wants it).

Resident Evil 2 should be out soon at the theaters. Looks better than the first one, thankfully.

Dawn of the Dead (4 disc version??) coming out shortly as well.
That actually sounds pretty cool. I still want to see the remake of Dawn...

Escape From New York was awesome, with Carpenter's best soundtrack he's written.
The announcement of this movie is disappointing for me because it won't be filmed in Pittsburgh like the other movies in the Romero Zombie franchise. Due to budget concerns, they're going to take advantage of the exchange rate by filming in Canada instead.