Germán Pascual - solo album A New Beginning


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Based on previous discussion of Narnia and Divinefire on these boards, I think there will be a lot of folks interested in this.

Germán Pascual, who sang on Narnia's Course of a Generation and Divinefire's Eye Of The Storm, is releasing a solo album in September 2012, called A New Beginning. Here's the teaser clip:

My favorite song from Course of a Generation:

I'm a fan of his vocals! :rock:
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I thought he did a good job with Narnia. I haven't heard his work with Divinefire yet - that's the one album of theirs that I don't own.

I'm liking the sound of that teaser. Something to look forward too. :) Any idea when it will be released?
Yeah, apparently Germán Pascual and Christian Liljegren both did vocals on Eye Of The Storm (I haven't heard it myself).

Pascual's solo album comes out in Sept 2012.
Germán's solo album is now out on Nightmare Records. Here's the first video - If the Sky Would Fall:


For those who generally ask "Is [band/artist] Christian?" before deciding whether or not to look further, the answer is an emphatic 'yes'. Germán's a loud-and-proud Christian and that shows through in his lyrics.